Open the medium-term department and the Korea-India Technology Exchange Center.


The Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises (Hong Jong-Hak) announced on Oct. 10 the opening of a "Korea-India Technology Exchange Center" for SMEs in order to penetrate the South West market and revitalize local trade. In March of last year, they agreed to hold a joint committee with the Ministry of Small Business of India and the first Indo-Korean SMEs to promote the pilot project to promote technology exchanges between the two countries. two countries


Through the center, medium-term departments will identify areas of promising exchange on the basis of the technical strengths of Korean small and medium-sized enterprises, · The company plans to support the development of various cooperation projects between the two countries, such as as the export of materials, the relocation of facilities and the creation of a joint venture.

Hong Jong- We will actively support the diversification of the export market of our small and medium enterprises and the advancement abroad through India and technical cooperation with the possibility of China with the country of the book and the high growth rate. "

Daejeon = Yang Seungmin reporter [email protected] [19659007]" Ridiculous price !! (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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