"Overpowered", "London Spitfire", "Play Satisfaction First … Winning Follows & # 39;



The London Spitfire was honored to win the Overseas Watch Championship, the world's leading electronic sports league, based on the world's first urban Olympic Games.

The Overwatch League comprises three continents, four countries

The grand finale, especially in New York, was broadcast live in prime time by ESPN, ESPN2, Disney XD and Twist in the story e-Sports.

Last weekend at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York, the Grand Final was held at Barclays Center in New York, where a wide range of national athletes from Korea, Russia, France, Israel, Sweden, Finland, London Spitfire beat Philadelphia Fusion in the grand finale,

In London's first leg on September 28, London's Spitfire won 3-0 in Game 2 after winning the score 3-1 against Philadelphia Fusion. .

London Spitfire, who made the playoffs with fifth place in the regular season, won second place in the semi-finals with the Los Angeles gladiators in the quarterfinals.

In the grand final, he was able to focus on the first set of the first match of the Philadelphia Fusion and win six sets in the second match.

London Spitfire was ranked as a Korean player and once again proved the status and skills of Korean players in the Overwatch League.

In this regard, Blizzard Korea,

The video interview brought together Lee Seung Hwan of London Spitfire Jack Etienne, "Bidoshin & # 39; Choi Seung Tae, "Gesture & # 39; Hong Jae Hee and Jonathan Spector, Product Manager Overwatch League



Seung Hwan Lee, Director of Spitfire in London, Bidoshin's "Seung Tae Dog", "gesture" Hong Jaehee, owner of Jack Etienne, product director of the league supervisor Jonathan Spector

– Impressed by the victory of the first season of the League Overwatch

Bidoshin: London Spitfire I am in charge of the support. I am happy to win.

Gesture: The team is in charge of the tanker.

– There was a balance patch during the league

Non-Doshin: I was training myself enough to prepare myself for any Meta [19659003] Gesture: Meta Change C is an inevitable part. If there are more players, no matter how the meta change.

– What kind of awards did the players give?

Jack Etienne: I ate the steak luxuriously.

– Know How to Improve Short-Term Skills

Gesture: Since the game of the regular season lasts 40 games, you must breathe in the long run.

– I approached a little closer to the target and would like to ask the owner for the plan for next season.

Jack Etienne:

The most important thing was that I could see growth as an e-sports player in the process of each stage. This confirms the process of overcoming difficulties.

Staff, coaches, athletes, etc. have become the most reliable season. Because I have put my strength together and overcome them, I am going to accumulate a good experience based on my experience next year.

– I'm going to rest and how do players think about sending it to Korea

Gesture: If you set a program in New York, Korea I'm planning to d & # 39; go back there for about two weeks.

Vidoshin: I have a break and I plan to get ready for next season

– Please inform us of the league's perspective as an owner and to the next franchise.

Jack Etienne: The league itself is in good ecology. I think the ecosystem is getting healthy thanks to the franchise. Production and sponsorship programs.

– The gesture showed a bold game.

Gesture: There were many trials and errors in practice.

– I walked differently with some members of my team

I could not play Bido Shin: They are good players, but I do not could not prevent me from being at the team level.

Gesture: I started with twelve, but the fit of the list was done.

– After the defeat of Dora, he continues his series of victories

Bidoshi: The first match shows only 50% of Dorado. I did not do it.

Gesture: It could have been tense because of the big scene. The next set seems to be relaxed.

– If you want to know the rival team for next season

Bidoshin: I would like to call the New York Excelsior for his rivals,

Gesture: New York I want to beat the season because I have problems with LA Clad Dieter.

Jack Etienne: I do not want to be defeated again by the gladiator LA

– Forget the championship

Bidoshin: When I entered the final, I thought that it would was a championship. There is a winning DNA.

Gesture: It was time to beat the junk city by an overwhelming amount of time in the second day of the game.

– The New York Barclays Center is very beautiful.

Bidoshin: This big scene was the first and everything was amazing.

Gesture: I thought it was the best scene when I walked in.

– After the second game, I watched the audience respond

Bidoshin: This was not the moment when I won, but l & # 39; atmosphere was very good.

– What are your thoughts and resolutions for next season?

Gesture: There was a bad psychological moment. I thought that because the league will be long term, I should be good in mental and physical management.

I think winning will be a success if you play satisfactorily.

Bidoshin: I think that there will be difficulties next season, but I have enough time because I have done the experiment.

Jack Etienne: I would like to continue my momentum. Trust in the other, faith, etc. I do not neglect, but I will polish it, and I respect him and the student.

Lee Seung-hwan: As a manager, I do not have a firm grip on life. I think that the fundamental things, respect for the common life is much improved.

– Overwatch The qualifying match at the World Cup is not very far, but objectively, Korea can do it as well as last year

Bosshin Shin: The elected player It's not easy to fall because it's powerful even though it's only seen by people.

Gestures: Mixed teams, Western teams are also at the level of a strong team.

– The commemorative ceremony of the championship and the field of athletics were held at the same time, I do not know because I am not a member of the national team but I think the selected players are excellent.

Jack Etienne: I plan to tour London for the first time. I have the intention to announce it as soon as it will be finished and confirmed. Maybe it will be in October.

In the case of a home stadium, we talk a lot with different partners.

– The Last Word

Vidoshin: The fans in Korea have been supporting me a lot for a year, and I want to thank you for the meeting of the fans.

Gesture: I think it would be similar to want to support a strong team when the season is over.

Jack Etienne: I know he's encouraged me throughout the season, no matter the tough times. (F), (f), (f), (n) and (n) .callMethod?
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