[종합]’냉부해’ 노사연, ‘밥 잘 먹는 예쁜 누나’ 떴다…오세득-이연복 승리 (ft.200회 특집) : 스포츠조선

[ad_1] [스포츠조선 남재륜 기자] 노사연과 기안84가 ‘냉부해’에 출격했다. 22일 방송된 JTBC ‘냉장고를 부탁해’는 200회 특집으로 진행됐다. ‘원조 꽃사슴’ 노사연과 ‘예능 치트키’ 기안84가 게스트로 출연했다. 이번 방송에서는 ‘먹방 대모’ 노사연의 냉장고가 먼저 공개됐다. …

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3 Party, Seoul Metropolitan Transportation Company & # 39; Employment Heritage & # 39; Request for State Survey ····························································································· ·············

[ad_1] The three parties, including the Liberal Democratic Party, the Right Future Party and the Democratic Party of Peace, jointly filed a request for investigation into suspicions of recruitment and recruitment of …

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