Paju & Drew King Warehouse & # 39; seized search … Hide data "gun smoking" spell | Company | News


Detection of 'Significant Data & # 39; in the container

The Huh special inspection team, Ik-bum searched a warehouse in Paju City, Gyeonggi-do on the 16th to obtain additional clandestine information containing traces of manipulation of the 39 public opinion by Kim Dong-won (49, arrest)

A special inspection of spokesman Park Sang-kyung said at a briefing the following day: "We are conducting a search warrant for a container warehouse in Songchon-dong, Paju, from 14 hours. "

"It's a container warehouse of 165 square meters (10 square meters) to 10 kilometers," he said, "there are a lot of things in the form of". a mobile box on a shelf up to 4-5 meters. "

The Special Investigator announced that Paju Ulm Publishing Co., a place where Druking delegates manipulated comments, left the building from 15 to 17 last month, Explosion reportedly identifying the real move .

On March 10, a special investigation was conducted to find 21 new mobile phones and 53 USIM data, which would have been used in handling comments on the first-floor garbage stack of the publishing house,

The spies were found involved in a "smoking thing" that specifically supports the comment manipulation claims by Druking's economic coevolution meeting,

Park's editors were asking themselves to he had obtained a statement that significant electronic devices had been stored in the container by members of Kyung-Joo-Mo. "Yes," he said.

On the morning of this morning, the special prosecutor said:

Druk King, a consul general in Osaka, recommended Kyung-soo Kim, the governor of Gyeongsangnam-do, as a key member of the public competition . [61] The lawyer also attended a special office in the afternoon and received a diary.

Meanwhile, the Department of Special Investigations badyzed police investigation files that included a dialogue with Democratic MP Kim Byung-

At that time Druk King proposed to meet Kim with his own. and Kyungwon Moon, but it was not really finished.

/ Yonhap News

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