Park Seung-chan "Chinese Institute of Business Seminar, already 70 times" | IT / Science | News


[박승찬 중국경영연구소장]

"The seminar that once a month led to discussion and network meeting has already reached 70 times."

"China Business Seminar" organized by the China Management Institute, which pursues "local management"

Meeting at the seminar room of the COEX Academy on the 4th floor, Park Seung-chan, director of China Management Institute and Professor in the Department of Chinese Studies at Yongin University, said: "The 6-year seminars are not limited to"

He said: "In the 70th feature film, I am have organized a seminar to invite Chinese experts to China's block chain, "Dalichain Founder of Huawei WCDMA CMO, a pioneer of Chinese block chain technology and industrial application, announced in June 2017 the world's first public block block chain project.

Then, Mr. Huang Pingping, an attorney at Korea's Techno Law Law Firm, gave a presentation on the experiences of Korea-China bloc legal consultation and the political comparison between Korea and China. In addition, I presented "Korea-China Block Chain Collaboration and Business" by the head of Incubiock, a Korean University of Tsinghua.

Feng Zhao said, "In March of last year, there were 457 blockchain companies in China, of which 249 were invested.We are moving from equipment manufacturing to industrial applications. to other industries. "

"It is important to note that the technology of the blockchain was included in the national computerization plan during China's 13th Five-Year Plan," Yang said. Lee Young-wook, a researcher, said: "Recently, there is money in the chain of blocks, there is a blind flow, and it is necessary to study with precision."

[이영욱 팀장-박승찬 소장-펑 자오 창업자-황핑핑변호사(왼쪽부터)]

Park Seung- In this seminar, concrete examples of the platform of sharing the black chain, the point-sharing platform of the China Bankers Federation and the bank of IBM, the platform of anti traceability -confrontation of JD, and the international service of Ali Baba.

On the other hand, the "China Business Seminar & # 39; Organized by the 71st China Management Institute on August 11th will be held under the theme "Catch 200 million Chinese Yellow Market".

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