Park Sun-won resigned as secretary general for high school


Park Sun-won resigns as Consul General. Take charge of the NIS. According to a source familiar with the situation on 22 August, Park's revocation proceedings were effectively completed and he has already returned. A source said, "We know that the documents were published and processed in the middle of last week." Another source said: "I know that he was appointed by the National Intelligence Service, and that I am already in the NIS since the 19th."

It was mentioned as the core of foreign policy in the Roh administration. He was considered the "mainstream" and served as secretary of the strategy of diplomacy and security of the presidential unification at the time of the Roh Moo-hyun administration, and at the center of the group Foreign Consulate President Moon Jae- He cooperated with President Seo Hoon, who was then the head of the National Security Agency, and painted a sketch of foreign policy and government security policy Moon Jaein . He was also included in a special envoy sent to the United States shortly after the May presidential election last May.

Since the beginning of the Moon Jae-in government, he has always been to Hampeong since he was deputy director of the National Security Bureau of the Blue House and deputy director of NIS. However, it was not used, and in January, the first time the government was appointed to the government, there was also controversy over the code in the opposition. The term of office of the Chief Executive Officer is usually about three years. With his resignation, the Consul General of Shanghai has been vacated for the moment. The next Secretary General is expected to arrive late in the fall. The context of Park's resignation in six months has not been confirmed. It is said that he returned home fairly quickly to take over from a distance. However, a government official said: "It was a better place for Park to be a specialist than the Consul General General."

This is the second time that the special commissioner has resigned without having fulfilled his mandate. In January of this year, the presidential ambbadador to Norway, Park Keum-ok, resigned for sudden health reasons shortly before arriving in Norway after completing the procedure for Agregheon in Norway.

Ji, Hye-hee [email protected]

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