Park Sung Taek, chairman of the mid-term central committee,


On March 3, the Central Committee of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) met with a delegation of the Prime Minister of the future party to demand adjustment of the minimum wage rate.

At this meeting, Park Seong-taek, chairman of the Administration of Small and Medium Enterprises, and Kim Kwan-young, the new president of Future Hall, are expected at the meeting.

President Park said, "The burden of business has increased due to the low production and employment of small and medium-sized manufacturing companies and minimum wage increase."

President Park discussed the issue of SMEs such as the increase in the minimum wage "The uncertainty of the external economic environment, such as commercial disputes, is developing, and l 39; Welfare Economics Experiencing Difficulties "

" In order to stabilize SMEs, it is imperative to adjust the minimum wage increase rate in 2019, and take into consideration the profit of 39, exploitation, value-added level and the minimum wage rate by industry. "19659002] President Park also urged the cooperation of the future good party, saying," That the bill for the innovation of SMEs and small businesses and the environment of fair competition be adopted at the earliest opportunity. "

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