Park Yoochun admitted drug charges.


Park Yoochun held a press conference at the time of suspicion of drug use and denied the charges. However, the search conducted by the police resulted in a positive reaction to methamphetamine in the hair of his leg. At that time, Park Yoo-cheon had denied the allegations, saying, "I'm checking how phylogeny got into the body."

However, on April 29, Park Yoochun was reportedly convicted of drug use as part of the police investigation.

According to Yonhap News, Park said: "I was afraid of damaging myself" during the investigation. "I thought I had to apologize for recognizing and excusing myself"

Park Yoochun was arrested on April 26 by a court that said there was "fear of destruction and escape". He was accused of buying drugs with his ex-girlfriend Huang Ha, one of the founders of Nanyang Dairy, in February and March.

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