Politics: Politics: News: Hankyoreh


& # 39; Moon Jae-in & # 39; during the meeting of the night is a member of the National Assembly
More than 30 people including Park Kwang-noon, Jeon, Hae-cheol and Hong Young-pyo
Suspicion of "influence" on the election of the presidential candidate
Interrogation – Registration clash The criticism above

<img src = "http://img.hani.co.kr/imgdb/resize/2018/0704/00503261_20180704.JPG" style = "width: 643px;" title = "박범계 (오른쪽) 더불어 민주당 의원 이 일 오전 기자 기자 왼쪽 왼쪽 왼쪽 왼쪽 신소영 신소영 기자. [email protected]" alt = "Park Bumgye (right) By Elsewhere, a member of the Democratic Party declared his candidacy for a presidential election in the National Assembly on May 4. On the left, Cho Seung Rae, in addition, a member of the Democratic Party declared his candidacy for the election. Presidential election at the Assembly of the National Assembly on the morning of April 4. Left, Cho Seung Rae .In addition, criticism of the so-called "gathering of owls" focused on members of the National Assembly the opposition Democratic Party (DPJ), led by the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) There is .The party fears more and more divisive sectarianism because opposition groups are growing suspected of trying to influence the Grand National Party to the power of r.
The owl meeting focused on the Cheong Wa Dae members who participated in the party, and about thirty people including leaders and recruiters during the presidential election. He said that he had named the meeting in order to keep the moon's president in a difficult time as the owl who works at night. Former chairman of the board Kim Jong-seung, Kim Jong-min, Kwang Park-soon, Park Bum-gyu, Hwang Hee and Hong Young-pyo. Park, Nam-chun, the mayor of Incheon, who met before the local elections on June 13, and Kim Kyung-soo, the governor of Gyeongnam, are politicians who are clbadified as "subjects of base "within the party. The owls rallied after the failed presidential election of President Moon Jae-in in 2012, but it is said that he has been equipped with the regular meeting since the presidential election of the year. last year. They were at the center of the controversy as they began on the 21st of last month and discussed the unification of candidates and unification that have recently been revealed to the media. They are unequivocally described as "a simple social gathering". Han explained, "Members of Parliament gathered at the presidential race last year (Moon Jae-in candidate camp) fell back when they returned to the main event." He said, "We started with social gatherings to appease us." Senator Jeon Seon-cheol, who is considered the head runner, also said in the podcast show "(meeting of owls) is not a social reality but a social gathering. since a few years, but I have no problem.
However, it was pointed out that the gathering of "so-called core members" of lawmakers was emphasized and reminded us of the confrontation between the parties. Park Bum-gyu, who declared his candidacy for the presidential contest on April 4, said, "The owl's meeting is centered on the senators who played a brilliant role in the era of divisions when President Moon Jae -in was in our party. It is not possible to evaluate lightly the effort, dedication and merit, "but" if the owls meeting is related to the first, if it seems to be in people's eyes it should be stopped until the next generation. "The voice of criticism of regressive political behavior that alienates the plural member who has dedicated the success of Moon Jaein's government and sells the knowledge with the president is out of the party." A jurist criticized by saying, "To be precise, the president Moon Jae-in has made 17 million candles of public opinion, "and criticized" the prosecutor, the vino,. A former member of parliament said: "All members of parliament have worked hard for President Moon Jae-in," he said.

Kim Tae Gyu Seo Young reporter Ji [email protected]

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