POSCO President Choi Jung-woo Announces 100 Major Reform Projects


Choi Jung-woo, president of POSCO (photo: POSCO)

[테크홀릭] On May 5, POSCO President Choi Jung-woo will host the POSCO Management Reform Practice Competition on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of its inauguration. The Top 100 Challenges of Reform will bring together all POSCO employees. "Let's make POSCO a virtuous circle of economic and social values" I asked them. That day, all the leaders signed "The commitment to put into practice the five major reforms".

President Jeong-Woo Choi said, "Let's create a business ecosystem with all its stakeholders, without discrimination, without economic value or social value." "And to get the best results."

△ POSCO CEO POSCO, with its commitment to management, has signed the "Five Mandatory Statement of Commitments on Management Reform". △ Conducting POSCO as a corporate citizen of the POSCO Management Reform. △ Growing with business partners based on an unprecedented sense of responsibility and unparalleled professionalism. Create social value through communication and cooperation in a respectful attitude, take the initiative in a spirit of sacrifice and service, dedicate to the promotion of employees and organizational capacity, aim the ground on the basis of real, practical and practices, and concentration.

The "100 major reform tasks" that have been established this time are the "love letter" type proposals received from inside and outside the company in July, ideas for reform of leaders, advice from POSRI faculty advisors, The plan was decided during discussions with the business departments.

Choi has received more than 3,300 suggestions of "love letters" over the past 100 days, as well as suggestions for business innovation from all the group leaders.

In this regard, POSCO's 100 major reform initiatives "take part together" in the overall business ecosystem, including POSCO employees, partner companies, and shareholder clients. and local residents, and promote horizontal and collaborative work that does not discriminate against employees, group companies, culture, "and through management activities that economic and social values ​​are disseminated virtually, it says that" Let's do it better value ".

As the reform is finalized and implemented, POSCO will pursue its long-term goals: 100 trillion KRW and an operating profit of 13,000 KRW in 2030, announced at the 50th anniversary ceremony, based on the evolution of the company's policies, systems and corporate culture. . In particular, five years after the implementation of the reform, the company's position in 2023 was named the respected metal division of Fortune Corporation and Forbes' 130th corporate value.

To this end, the steel industry will continue to increase the proportion of high value-added products and reach 12 million tonnes of steel plate by 2025, thus ensuring its position as the world's leading supplier of steel plate. steel for the automobile.

In technology development, we plan to focus more on developing cost-saving product and technology technologies than on large-scale processing technologies. In particular, the shift to an open technology procurement system by developing a technical cooperation alliance without emphasizing self-reliance and the development of stand-alone technologies is a big change.

The group's activities will include POSCO Daewoo, POSCO Energy's LNG introduction activities, the promotion of LNG trading, the integration of the Gwangyang LNG terminal with POSCO Energy and the activities of POSCO Energy. And the synergy is strengthened.

POSCO E & C absorbs overlaps and similar projects in the construction sector, such as design within the group, supervision and management of facility operations.

In addition, POSCO Chemtech plans to expand its activities to become a high value-added carbon-based materials company by establishing a coke-coke production plant that will become a raw material for cathode materials and electrodes using byproducts of the process of making steel.

The anodic cathode materials sector, which is expected to be integrated next year, will lead the market by developing custom products for the secondary battery materials research center, by 2030 its market share will be increased at 20% and its turnover at KRW 17,000 billion. He will tow.

In order to strengthen its expertise and improve its execution capacities, the new and growing company has decided to recruit external experts as managing directors and to move from the organization to the "steel sector" and the "new sector". growth "equivalent to the steel sector.

POSCO will use its cash and generated funds over the next five years to achieve its growth strategy and to invest KRW 45 trillion in a timely and efficient manner until 2023. We plan to solve the problem of the problem. supply and demand.

At the same time, a "Corporate Citizens Committee" consisting of the CEO, external directors and external experts will be set up under the authority of the board of directors to implement the ideology of corporate citizenship. In particular, we will actively engage the voices of all of society to establish a corporate citizenship strategy by hiring outside staff.

As part of the Corporate Citizenship Committee, a new Citizenship Office will be created to support the activities of the Corporate Citizenship Committee and to lead various creative companies of social value.

In addition, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has created a collaborative room for the revitalization of the local economy and the problem of youth unemployment: She is responsible for the establishment of venture valley and trade promotion in Pohang and Gwangyang, as well as the training and business support program for 5,500 young talents. .

In order to strengthen the resolution of low birth rate issues, we will improve the flexible work system and the delivery system, as well as expand the day care centers in the main workplaces. such as Pohang, Gwangyang, Seoul and Songdo, so that the employees of the group companies can use them together.

In Pohang and Gwangyang, POSCO maternal care centers will be set up for primary school children and will be an example of measures to reduce fertility by opening up to local communities.

At the same time, we will disseminate POSCO's excellent management innovation activities, such as QSS and my machines, to SMEs, and apply POSCO's Smart Factory technology to SMEs to strengthen their mutual growth activities and strengthen their competitiveness. .

In order to fully implement the fair trade culture, suppliers working for retired employees (OBs) must record the facts and plan to block preferential treatment fees on the principle of 100% purchase on the elements. transaction.

In addition to the long-term stable dividend policy, the Company plans to flexibly consider the possibility of adding additional dividends based on the year's earnings. In addition, the external directors regularly hold meetings with external directors who communicate directly with domestic and foreign investors. They also broaden shareholder-friendly policies by introducing an e-voting system that facilitates the exercise of shareholder rights.

In order to strengthen site-based management, Seoul departments requiring close cooperation with the field will travel to Pohang and Gwangyang.

We will continue our succession and development of the tradition of harmony between work and management, which is the pride of the company, and plan to create a labor management culture model through dialogue and compromises, while respecting the new working environment.

It is a mentoring system in which trainees learn internships by combining work and learning, and are reorganized into "technical mentoring": senior managers acquire technical and business know-how from their employees during A long period. It is a scheme to institutionalize the accumulation.

We will gradually dissolve the pay gap in terms of coexistence with partner companies and open POSCO-owned social protection facilities to employees of partner companies. In particular, we opened a reporting office for Ganjil and decided to punish employees of POSCO employees for harbading their employees.

The characteristic of the "100 reforms" is that, unlike the existing management reform proposal, which focuses on long-term goals or changes in external appearance, It is necessary to clarify tasks so that the objectives set can be achieved in practice, actively collect the opinions of sites or stakeholders, strengthen the executive power,

POSCO plans to continue the implementation of the task that can be accomplished first and complete the reorganization of the organization and the improvement of the system until the first half of next year. In addition, the task of reform in each area is to appoint a responsible executive level, who will be responsible. The Director General will periodically review progress and implement it.

Meanwhile, the "task of the 100 most important reforms" plans to accelerate implementation with the announcement of the organizational reform plan in December.

Journalist Soryeob [email protected]

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