Possibility of "hundreds of billions of tons of diamonds" in the earth ↑


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So it is difficult to get caught once


In the movie "Core", the main characters enter the earth. Source: YouTube Capture

In the movie <코어> the protagonists take a probe and sink deep into the earth. And we are seeing huge diamonds in the earth. I think it's because the diamonds are made in a 'high temperature, high pressure' environment. However, diamonds can actually be in the ground.

Possibility of hundreds of billions of tons of diamonds

  Photograph of a diamond. Source: Pixabay
A diamond like this ?! Source: Pixabay

According to Professor Ulrich Faul of MIT and an international collaborative team, there could be hundreds of billions of tons of diamonds in the Earth's interior. Its depth is 100 miles (160 km) below the surface. This depth is called depth that no drill line has yet reached. For reference, the maximum drilling depth currently on Earth is about 12 km, Kola Superdeep Borehole in Russia.

Craton is one of the tectonic plates that make up the surface of the Earth. The craton is the oldest and most stable zone under the center of the tectonic plate. It looks like an overturned mountain, extending 200 miles (about 321 km) from crust to mantle. Geologists call the deepest part of Kraton's roots, which contains 1 to 2% of diamonds.

Using a seismic wave, researchers found that the kraton root contained diamonds. Geologists often use seismic waves to look into the earth. Seismic waves occur when an earthquake, tidal wave or explosion occurs and causes vibration. These earthquakes are collected by earthquake observers installed around the world at different speeds and speeds. Because seismic waves penetrate the earth at different rates depending on the composition, density, and temperature of the rock, scientists can use these data to image the Earth's interior

The Study was initiated to explain the anomaly in the root part of the craton where the seismic waves are rapidly increasing toxic. Generally, the craton is less dense and colder than the surrounding mantle. Thus, the speed of seismic waves pbading through the crown is known to be fast. Scientists, however, could not explain the rate at which they suddenly bounce off the toxic crown root.

The team then used data from the US Geological Survey (USGS) to determine what constitutes the root part of the craton.

The team then combines the different minerals to create virtual rocks. And we measured how fast the seismic waves crossed the rock. As a result, scientists have discovered that there is only one type of rock that seismologists evaluate at the same rate as the seismic velocity measured at the cratonroot.

  Peridotite (left) and eclogite (right). Source: Flickr, Fotolia
Peridotitis (left) and eclogite (right). Source: Flickr, Fotolia

Fictitious rocks contained 1-2% of diamonds and peridotite, which is known to be the main component of the upper mantle, and a small amount of eclogitic. For reference, hatching is a mineral that occurs primarily in the oceanic sedimentary crust. This result means that the upper mantle contains at least 1000 times more diamonds than scientists thought in the past. The root of the crater contains 1 to 2% of the diamond, which allows it to remain floating in the crust without sinking under the mantle, although it is less dense than the surrounding mantle. It's like a piece of wood floating on the water.

Also confirmed by Kimber Lightpipe

  Kimberlite Mine. Source: Fotolia
Kimberlite Mine. Source: Fotolia

Diamonds are usually brought to the surface only by mbadive volcanic eruptions that occur at high temperatures and pressures in the earth and occur tens of millions of years ago. The ejection path follows a pipe structure composed of Kimberlite rocks.

  Kimberlite and diamond mines in the Kraton area. Source: Wikimedia Commons
Kimber Lightpipe and diamond mines in the Kraton region. Source: Wikimedia Commons

Kimberly Lightpipe is commonly found in parts of Canada, Siberia, Australia, and South Africa. This area is the edge of Kraton. This can be circumstantial evidence that the diamond is contained in the kratootroot.

Professor Faul, who led the study, said: "We have examined all possibilities from different angles, and the results of this study are the only reasonably conclusive conclusions."

## References [#19659004]

Garber, Joshua M et al., Multidisciplinary Constraints on the Abundance of Diamond and Eclogitic in the Cratonic Lithosphere, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems: G3, 10.1029 / 2018GC007534

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