President: "Economic difficulties are due to neoliberal policies" –


Entry 2018.07.23 16:14

"I will meet the union directly


"I will create a secretariat for self-employment in Cheong Wa Dae"
] "Economic difficulties, long-term neoliberal economic policies" [19659006] President Moon Jae-in announced his intention to take direct economic policy, including the presidential secretary of self-employment at Cheong Wa Dae

However, President Moon has clearly explained why the economic situation is such that it can has deteriorated because of neoliberal economic policy and it intends to pursue the current economic policy.

President Moon Jae –

In the afternoon Cheong Wa Dae held a meeting with President Lee Myung-bak at the opening ceremony at Cheong Wa Dae. "I'm going to focus on speeding up regulatory reform and accelerating innovation," Lee said. "I will accelerate regulatory reform by chairing monthly monthly regulatory review meetings."

He added, "Income-led growth, innovation growth and the equitable economy must be combined together, not a matter of choice."

Moon also said: "The different economic actors I will meet business people, small business owners, self-employed workers and, where appropriate, the union community," he said, "I will ask a party to persuade him To listen and persuade enough opinions, The government will take the lead in social dialogue to stimulate vitality.

President Moon said, "

" So the government is trying to reduce the economic paradigm, and it has to do with the economic paradigm, "he said. change it fundamentally, but it can not be effective in a short period of time. "

President Moon said," The "inclusive growth" policy we pursue is a new growth policy in which the big countries advanced and international organizations agree to reflect on the neoliberal growth policy. "We will continue to focus on strengthening our core physical strength." President Moon said: "In the second half of this year, the government will focus its efforts on economic reform and economic vitality," he added. He said:

In particular, "OECD countries will respond positively to the problem of the most vulnerable people in the labor problem or in the dead-end of politics." "We are going to doubling the number of eligible employees for tax incentives, the hour was also very advanced.

Then, "Because the tax revenues are very good this year, the government will not be able to pay the taxes that people have on the low-income group. "

President Moon said," If we work together with confidence to reach the limit, we will increase our irregular workers and increase our economic inequalities. "If the economy focused on people is rooted, it will be possible to achieve inclusive growth where the benefits of growth are equally distributed. "

He added:" I am confident that if economic momentum is restored here, the Korean economy will become sustainable ".

Meanwhile, Moon said, "I would like to emphasize the problem of self-employment in economic policy in the second half of the year." It is necessary to consider self-employment as another single political area that can not be considered a thing. I would say that it is an area of ​​independent industrial policy. "In this sense, we will create an office for self-employment in Cheong Wa Dae and listen to the voice of the field personally."

In particular, the number of self-employed is close to 6 million, of which about 1.2 Million unpaid family workers, accounting for 25% of all employees.It is almost a quarter.

Mr. Moon said: "The income of the average and lower self-employed is lower than that of employees."

I will try to take comprehensive measures against complicated problems such as lease protection issues, reducing miscellaneous fees, protecting the driveway trade and so on. "We need to actively improve practices and Unjust problems of the franchise, "he said," Many of these measures can only be resolved by the legislation of the National Assembly.

"The self-employed become unemployed as soon as they withdraw from competition." In 2014, unemployment insurance for self-employed workers was introduced. I also call for a political effort to fundamentally recast the social safety net for them. "

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