President of UEFA Platini arrested for corruption in Qatar


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President of UEFA Platini arrested for corruption in Qatar

«2022 World Cup Challenge» arrested in an agency investigating fraud

(Seoul = News 1) Reporter Lee Won-joon | 2019-06-18 22:26 Songwon

Michel Platini, former president of UEFA. © AFP = News1

Former President of the European Football Confederation (UEFA), Michel Platini, was arrested for corruption at the Qatar World Cup in 2022, AFP reported.

Platini was arrested by the French Agency charged with investigating financial crimes and is currently in detention.

Platini's allegations have not been specifically disclosed. But PNF has investigated allegations of corruption and abuse of power over the selection process for the 2022 World Cup.

PNF is currently studying whether the French government has intervened in the process of selecting World Cup venues against Platini and former Nicolas Sarkozy.

The two men are said to be in secret contact with Tamil King Hamad al-Sistani Qatari in Paris in October 2010 at the Elysee. A week later, Qatar was officially chosen to host the 2022 World Cup.

Platini was at the same time President and Vice President of UEFA of the International Football Federation (FIFA).

Platini is currently retiring from his current post after being suspended for eight years for receiving 2 million Swiss francs (about 2.4 billion won) from former FIFA President Jeff Blatter, his election in 2011.

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