President Wen Ji "More jobs in Korea" … Lee Jae-yong "I will work harder" –


Entry 2018.07.10 01:47
| Amended 2018.07.10 01:51

President Moon Jae-in, who is in India during a state visit, met with Lee Jae-yong, vice president of Samsung Electronics, and asked him to create more business. Jobs in Korea. The vice president said that he would do more efforts.

President Moon Jae-in (first from left) shakes hands with Lee Jae-yong, vice president of Samsung Electronics (second from left), to find Samsung Electronics President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (right) and Hong Jong-hak, Minister of Small and Medium Enterprises (second from right), took part in the elections.

At the ceremony, Vice President Hong Hyun-chil and Samsung Electronics Vice President of Samsung Electronics met for five minutes.

On this occasion, President Moon said: "I congratulate Samsung Electronics' Noida Factory," said Kim Jong-il, the chairman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Samsung played a great role in rapid economic growth. "" I want Samsung to invest more in Korea and create more jobs, "he said.

This vice president responded," The president has come a long way and has been a great force for our employees. "He said," Thank you and work harder. "

President Moon Jae-in, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Samsung Electronics Vice President Lee Jae-yong attend the ceremony The completion of Samsung Electronics' second plant at the Noida Industrial Complex in New Delhi on September 9. This is the first time the President has attended events related to Samsung since its inauguration. worries more and more about the fact that President Moon will take seriously the economy and public welfare after the Vice President's visit, given the recent warning signs of a decline in jobs in Korea.

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