President Wen Jiabao Named for Referendum September 9 –


Entry 2018.11.08 15:29

Moon Jae-in will likely nominate a candidate for the Minister of the Environment and the Ministry of the Environment, who was not adopted by the opposition party on 9th.

If Joe is appointed, the current minister will be the seventh ministerial-level official appointed without the National Assembly's report of the hearing. Concerns that the system of hearings of the National Assembly has become unknown are likely to increase.

A candidate from the Departments of the Environment and the Environment, as well as the Environment and Environment Departments, take the baggage to leave the hearing when the hearing is delayed due to the problem of submitting documents during of the memorial service hearing, which was held in the meeting room of the National Assembly's Environment Labor Committee on March 23. / Yonhap News

The opposition opposes the adoption of a report on the hearing of candidates for reasons such as the transfer of stomachs and allegations of tax evasion. Joe's proposal was revealed at a hearing on March 23, when his two-year-old grandson realized annual savings of 18.8 million won, a subscription deposit (60,000 won per month) and ordinary gold (300,000 won per month). "(Grandson), I know it's a collection of things made with money," he said. There were also suspicions such as the transfer of the child's stomach, real estate contracts and tax evasion with regard to donation.

The National Assembly failed to set up a project to open the Environment and Labor Committee of the National Assembly, That day, President Moon asked the National Assembly to send a report on his candidacy to the National Assembly last month. Joe's candidacy for the meeting between Hong Young-pyo, Democratic Party member Kim Jong-tae of the Liberal Democratic Party, was not discussed. "I did not have a story," Hong said at a meeting with reporters after the meeting. "Have you discussed the adoption of the report on Joe?"

If the report on Joe's candidacy is not adopted by the National Assembly before this day, President Moon should continue the appointment without the report of the National Assembly, like Yoo Eun-hye , Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education.

An official from Cheong Wa Dae said, "This is the last day we met with reporters in the morning and we asked to send a report on the candidates to the National Assembly." But if the report does not come from the National Assembly, how was the presidential policy decided? Look back, "he replied.

In accordance with the Human Rights Hearings Act, the National Assembly adopts and transmits a progress report on the staff hearing within 20 days of the date on which the nomination proposal is submitted. . If the report is not adopted, the President may resubmit it to the National Assembly within ten days. After this date, the president can nominate a candidate if the National Assembly does not send the report.

Thus, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Kang Sang-Joo, chairman of the Fair Trade Committee, Song Hyung-moo, the former Minister of National Defense, Lee Hyo-Sung, chairman of the audiovisual communication committee, the Minister of Small Business Enterprise, Hong Jong-Hak, Yoon Eun Hye, Vice Minister of Social Affairs and Education 6 People. When Joe becomes minister, he becomes the seventh.

On the other hand, growing concern over the filtering system of the National Assembly hearings has become unknown, as the President continues to appoint a candidate who has not pbaded the report of the National Assembly. 39; hearing. Kim Gwan-yeong, president of the presidential controversy, said on May 5: "I wish you to respect the views of the National Assembly on the hearings."

During a meeting with former President Roh Moo-hyun, former President Roh Moo-hyun and former President Roh Moo-hyun, Kim Seung-tae, spokesman for Cheong Wa Dae, said: "The hearings should also serve as a basis for the eyes and the return of the people.I do not think that there is a decisive deficit in the eyes of the people."

With regard to criticism that the National Assembly is representative of the people, it is said that "in representative democracy, the National Assembly may reflect the will of the people in general, It is difficult to say that it is a public opinion ".

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