President Wen Jiabao visits the Czech Republic …


PRAGUE, Czech Republic (AP) – President Kim Moon-kyu will visit Buenos Aires, Argentina, host of the G20 summit on Wednesday.

At 10:20 pm, Mr. Moon left Havel International Airport from Prague to travel to Buenos Aires, Argentina, the next destination.

Previously, Mr Moon had discussed with Czech Prime Minister Andrei Bovish ways to strengthen the strategic partnership between Korea and the Czech Republic.

In particular, we focused on "nuclear sales", explaining the strengths of Korean companies in terms of technology, operations and management experience in the Czech government, which is considering building new nuclear power plants.

He also asked the European Union (EU) to exclude Korea from its safeguard measures on steel. In addition, recent trends in the Korean Peninsula, the complete denuclearization of the Korean peninsula and the Korean Government's efforts to achieve permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula have been urged to support the continuing interests and support of the Korean Peninsula. the Czech part.

President Moon spoke about relations between the Czech Republic and the Republic of Korea in modern and contemporary history and called for support for the 100th anniversary of the March 1st Movement and the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea.

Arriving at the Buenos Aires Essay International Airport in Argentina after about 14 hours of flight, President Moon begins his two-night, three-day visit to Argentina, starting with a commemorative ceremony of the National Historic Remembrance Park and a rally of Koreans.

President Moon will participate in the G-20 Retreat and one session, explain the Korean government's efforts to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula and peace settlement, and solicit the support of the international community.

Strengthen cooperation on trade and unstable factors in the international financial system and restore a free, fair and standards-based multilateral trading system.

At the G20, US President Donald Trump will hold a sixth summit with the United States and will try to break the stalemate at the second North American summit.

In addition, it will hold a summit between South Korea and South Korea with Prime Minister Mark Luther, the Korea-Netherlands summit, and Cyril Lama Foosa, President of South Africa.

Mr. Moon, who has finished his schedule in Buenos Aires, will return to New Zealand two days later.

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