Presidential approval: 48.8% · · · 50% of the first collapse · 9 consecutive weeks of decline


SEOUL, March 21 (Yonhap) – President Roh Moo-jin's approval rate for the first time in 50 years was 48.8 percent. It's the lowest since its inauguration. It has declined for nine consecutive weeks since the peak of the fourth week of September (positive 65.3%, negative 30.3%) just after the Pyongyang summit. In the meantime, approval rates fell by 16.5% p.

According to a survey carried out by a specialized agency, Realmeter interviewed 1508 voters aged 19 and over from 26 to 28 March in the country, on the recommendation of the Commission. The 4th weekly survey was conducted on November 29 (95% confidence level · sample error ± 2.5%). According to a response rate of 7.9%, 48.8% of respondents said that Moon was doing well in national affairs. It was 3.2% lower than last week.

Unjust badessments that were false were 45.8% (very poor 29.8%, 16% false), up 3.3% p from last week. Unknown and non-respondents decreased from 0.1% p to 5.4%.

Compared to the 4th week of September, just after the Pyongyang summit, all regions, all ages, all ideologies,

In particular, Daegu and Gyeongbuk (▼ 15.8% p, positive 34.8%, negative 60.1%), Busan, Ulsan and Gyeongnam (▼ 25.1% p, positive 37.6% and negative 57.1% (▼ 23.9% p, positive 45.6%, negative 47.3%).

At the age of 50 (▼ 21.9% p, positive 37.9%, negative 57.4%), more than 60 generations (▼ 20.9% p, positive 35.2%, negative 57 , 9%). On the ideological level, the majority (▼ 18.3% p, positive 46.5%, negative 50.0%) and the conservative group (▼ 10.9% p, positive 20.7%, negative 76.4% ). The number of self-employed workers (▼ 23.3% p, 36.7% positive and 60.6% negative) by occupational group decreased significantly.

"The most notable point is the fact that the first badessment of the negative badessment was positive in the middle clbad headed towards the Democratic Party in the Park Geun-Hye administration," said Real Meter. "In the 1950s, they adopted a friendly attitude, and older people also used a negative badessment."
The main cause of the decline was economic problems. The economic slowdown is thought to have reduced expectations of economic recovery as a result of the continued deterioration of various economic indicators such as employment and investment.

In addition, the split of supporters of the ruling party has also been affected.

Lee Myeong-myeong, wife of Lee Jae-myeong Gyeonggi governor, Kim Hye-kyung, said: "The division between the partisans has resulted in the contraction and weakness of ruling party politicians and has not actively fought the aggression of opposition in recent months.a factor in the decline. "

With regard to party support, Democrats also fell by 1.6 percentage points to 37.6 percent from the previous week. Monitoring of the Democratic Party in the order of the Liberal Democratic Party (26.2%), the Justice and Development Party (8.2%), the Right Party for the Future (5.9%) and the democratic party for peace (3%).

You will find more information about the Real Meter and the Public Opinion Review Committee homepage on the central election.

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