Presidential Approval Rating 68.9% … 70% s collapsed in three months


[Séoul = Newsweek] Jang Yun-hee reporter = Moon Jae-in falls to 70% in three months with a 68.9% approval rate.

Realmeter interviewed 1,501 adults in the last two to four days, and the result was the third consecutive week of demotion from 68.9 percent the previous week to 2.6 percent the previous week, he said . The negative badessment was 3% p up to 25.5%. Moon's approval rating dropped to 60% from 67.8% in the fourth week of March.

Moon's approval rating went from 2.5% to 70.5% in the first two days, Lost Yemen's refugee camp rallies took place at the same time over the weekend followed by reports that nuclear weapons, missiles and production facilities in the north were suspect.

The approval rate has dropped to 68.9 percent over the last three days of the controversial recommendation of complete reform of the property tax system. The Democratic Party fell from 2.2% p to 47.4% during the third week of the year, while in support to political parties, it rebounded slightly to 69.7% in Pyongyang these last four days. It has dropped about 10% since the second election on June 13 (57.0%) and has remained in the 40% range in the second week.

On the other hand, the free government of Korea increased from 1.3% p to 19.2%, up for the third week. The index also jumped from 0.3% p to 9.7%. The price of the best futures rose 0.2% p to 6.0%, while the price of the Democratic Peace Party rose from 0.6% p to 2.9%.

On the other hand, the response of the National People's Opinion Survey on the Yemeni refugee survey, April 4, was 53.4%, up 4.3% compared to the previous month. The favorable response decreased from 1.6% p to 37.4%.

The survey of opinion polls conducted by the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of Korea (KCTU) on February 2 and 4 showed that 35,560 voters aged 19 or older at the Nationwide have made a phone call. The sample error is ± 2.5% p at a 95% confidence level. (19659002) [email protected]

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