Prime Minister, "Heat, special disaster relief … Consideration of special consideration limited electricity" | Policy | News


Chaired by the State Council …
"The minimum wage needs wisdom … to accept change while minimizing tension"

Prime Minister Lee Nak-yeon has said: "We are concerned about the burden of electricity bills due to the heatwave"

The Prime Minister said at a cabinet meeting held at the Seoul government headquarters the same day: " If you have a long period of heat, you have to live with the air conditioner for a long time, "

This Prime Minister said:" This heat is similar to a special disaster, and there is a high probability that the heat be constant and prolonged due to climate change. ""

Prime Minister Lee said: "The supply and demand of electric power has improved a little during the holiday season ,

"The Government requests amendments to the law to include heat waves in natural disasters, but the government has asked for amendments to the law "

Prime Minister said:" Prime Minister Lee said: "We should always consider the heat wave as a disaster and deal with it, "he said. "It's my job to keep my safety before the inspection," he said, "I hope people will not overdo it."

He added: "Let's not delay funding for insurance against disasters, pesticides, livestock and disaster management for the enrichment industry that suffers from heat waves, "he added.

On the other hand, Prime Minister Lee stressed efforts to overcome the side effects of shortening working hours and the minimum wage

"said Prime Minister Lee,

He said, "We must minimize the pain that occurs in the process of change."

He said, "We are delighted to have found a life with a party, but some show abnormalities or side effects "I will make good use of the period from the period until the end of the year so that" life with the evening "can be anchored in stability."

The First Minister said: "In the case of a poor worker who finds himself in a bad situation, he is not a worker," he said. "But I will do my best to relieve transient pain so quickly that other socially disadvantaged people should not let them suffer "

The Prime Minister stressed:" If we refuse to do the rest of the changes that are afraid of work, we will accumulate bigger problems. "

In terms of trends in the world, activity, all industrial production declined from May, "not only domestic and foreign conditions are worse, but also the suffering of ordinary people is great"

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