Proclamation of Martial Law … Executable Level – Kookmin Ilbo


'rejection of impeachment & # 39; There is no part of the premise, there is no possibility of escape
The question of securing the context of proclamation is important

Detailed information on martial law relating to the martial law of ROKGM include illegal elements, has not been clearly revealed. The progressive camp sees the candlelight vigil as a document in order to quell the coup of the military state. However, the text does not explicitly include a sentence that badumes a state of rejection or citation.

The document is also considered a document containing all matters related to the proclamation and maintenance of a martial law. The document pointed out that the minimum number of people attending the Department of National Defense emergency meeting to discuss the promulgation or otherwise of martial law is emphasized.

The attachment was also attached to the Maternity Command (recommendation of the Military Commander, National Maternity Emergency Proclamation, Emergency Maternity Proclamation, Speech and Proclamation) (Document B-1) ( the bunker where the president stays in case of emergency) as the optimal place. To plan and organize the Protected Areas Protection Unit, six mechanized divisions, two armored brigades and six special troops should be deployed. There are also guidelines for placement of staff to censor media coverage.

Clearly, however, there is no evidence that the case of impeachment is a prerequisite. The declaration of emergency war badumes the state of crisis such as the armed riot and the riot of the demonstrators. The name of the proclamation of martial law is also called "the president (the authority)". Although the Constitutional Court has tried to enforce the martial law declaration, whatever the decision it takes, it can be interpreted as being prepared only for the situation regardless of the impeachment summons. . In addition, the document is accompanied by a document entitled "Declaration Requirements of the Proclamation of Moms", which is an badessment factor for judging whether a proclamation of martial law has been proposed or not. This document also contains the question "Have rallies and demonstrations extended since the decision to impeach (rejection or summons)?"

In this respect, the possibility can not be excluded either.

However, it is clear that the illegality of the document containing measures to prevent the vote of the National Assembly is clear. There are many interpretations. Professor Lim Ji-bong of Sogang University said: "Although gatherings may be restricted under the emergency martial law, lawmakers are not allowed to take action against the activities members of parliament ". (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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