Professional running baseball baseball star running race, from Byung-ho Park to Kangbaekho


Players of the KBO league will play in the home race of the stars (Ulsan, 13-14 days). Choi Joo-hwan of Doosan, KT Kang Baek-ho, NC and Seong Beom are among the new-generation superstars of Lotte Lee Dae-ho (2006 · 2010), Nellen Park Byeong-ho (2012 ~ 15) and SK Choi Jeong (2016 · 2017). Hanwha Jared Hoing is the only foreign player.

The Korean Baseball Commission (KBO) confirmed that players could participate in major events such as the home run, the perfect pitcher, the perfect heat, the fan signature,

The Perfect Pitcher, who will be held on the 13th after the end of the Futures All-Star, will be played by a total of 10 athletes, each consisting of 5 players in the Dream and Sharing. Throw 10 balls for each player to shoot a total of 9 bats (7 normal white bats – 1 point, special red bats – 2 points), and the winners and finalists are ranked in the order of multiple markers.

Doosan Yang Jiji, Jin Myeong Ho Lotte, Lee Dae Ho, SK Sanchez and Samsung Jang Pil Jung will play in the Dream All Star, while Kia Anchihong, Min Ho NC, LG Hyung Jong, In particular, the perfect pitcher, Choi Yong Joon (3rd grader), thrower of Ulsan launcher, should play a special role in commemoration of the star game in Ulsan.

This year's All-Star Game with fans also features special events for fans. Players participating in the Perfect Pitch will draw approximately 800 bets per athlete in the lottery prior to the start, and will present a batch of soy milk to each winning spectator.

 2018 List of all time professional baseball star events

List of all professional baseball star 2018 events

Best game of the all-star game Game Preliminaries Two players with the highest number of home runs in each team will enter the final and will face 10 on zero after the end of the 5th All Star Game on the 14th.

Doosan Choi Joo Hwan, Lotte Lee Dae Ho, SK Choi Jeong and KT Kang Baek Ho participate in All Star All Stars, NC, Seong Beom, LG Kim Hyunsoo, Nexen Park Byeong Ho and Hanhwa Hoing.

Two players who participated in the home race finals will also draw a spectator area with a lottery before each game, and for all spectators who have won the championship, there will be a running ball and Interpark Coupons from a point of value of 20,000 won, which can be used in a set of prices.

The "Perfect Heater", which showed the first line last year, has 10 balls placed on the batter tee, 9 targets (5 points), 4 infield targets (2 points , blue) The winner and the finalist are determined by adding the target points marked in order to reach the winner.

In the Dream All Star, KIA Kim Yoon-dong, NC Min-woo Park, LG Chung Chan-hun, Nexen Kim Hae-sung and Hanhwa Song Kwang-min will compete with Doosan Hamdeok Ju, Lotte Na Jong Duk, Son Ae Sub, Samsung Guajuk and KT Kim Jae Yoon. .

The perfect heating hearing event is with Shinhan Bank. All-Star visitors will be able to select one of the Perfect Heater players at random when they will connect to the Shinhan & Shinhan SOL mobile app & # 39;; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; before the start of the Perfect Heater, and to all players who have won the championship and the runners- The Starbucks Americano Mobile Gift Certificate (One Piece) will be presented.

The KBO All-Star fan signing ceremony starting at 3:10 pm on March 14th will be divided into three groups, with a total of 30 athletes, including Doosan Yang Jiji, the most voted All-

. The KBO Fan Sign Association will be able to participate in KBO Star Match ticket tickets for only 150 people (2 coins per person) by the 10th. The winners will be announced on the KBO website at 6:00 pm on November 11th. The winners will be required to exchange their entry fee after confirming their identity and reservation at the KBO reception located on the outdoor square of Ulsan Monsu Baseball Field from 12:00 pm on the 14th day of the event. . Participants in the fan signature may be limited in their shoes if they wear shoes that could damage their shoes.

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