"Professor Lee Kuk-jong" is noisy, the emergency helicopter is closed · The soundproofing wall is only available in Korea "" – Herald economy


The head of the Ajou University Trauma Center, responded to the investigation by visiting the National Assembly of the National Committee of Health and Welfare on the 24th. [사진=연합뉴스]
[헤럴드경제=모바일섹션] A professor from Ajou University Hospital, Ajou University Hospital, urged the government to improve the system by complaining of the problem posed by the use of the system. ;a helicopter.

Professor Lee attended the National Health and Welfare Committee of the National Assembly on August 24 and raised his voice by saying, "People must first and foremost build a society."

On that day, Professor Lee compared the cases of helicopter operations abroad with those of national affairs and pointed out that the "biggest problem" was the "takeover".

The point of registration is a specific pre-approved place for loading and unloading patients. There are about 800 places in Korea.

Professor Lee said: "In the UK and Japan, a medical helicopter can be taken off and landed without being limited to a checkpoint when only a small space is available.

The British emergency medical helicopter landed in the nearest emergency room, residential lawns at rugby stadiums.

Professor Lee said: "In the case of England, I do not designate a separate landing point, for example to land on lawns or for rugby matches, and to land in the middle of the stadium, "said Professor Lee. There is no room, "he criticized.

He said: "In Korea, we can not sit on the lawn of the government office, it makes a bad noise." He added: "There are no complaints about the closing of the helicopter or the installation of a wall of sound because of the noise. From August 2015 to August 2018, there were 80 layoffs for inability to use the helicopter landing and landing.

"But we do not care about civil complaints and landings in the center of the residential area." However, we can not communicate with each other at the doctor's helicopter. So, at low altitude, when LTE communication is possible, we only use KakaoTalk Messenger. It's a conversation situation. "

Professor Lee said, "These problems are directly related to the patient's life." In the case of the United Kingdom, the helicopter is put into service within 30 minutes of the patient. In Korea, it takes an average of 7 hours for a traumatized patient to undergo surgery. " He said.

Regarding the shortage of manpower, he said: "All hospitals in Korea look gorgeous, but we represent one-third of nurses compared to Japan, right next door. The doctor will not even say, "he said.

"If you complain of difficulties, the chief engineer or the minister will immediately bring you support, but you are stuck in the middle."

Finally, "Helicopter pilot doctors and doctors sacrifice their lives for those who are not bound to themselves.A truly advanced society is human society first," he urged the system to improve.

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