Progressive Judges Enter the Supreme Court, Resilience of Judicial Reform


The appointment of a candidate to the Supreme Court of Justice Kim Sun-soo, who was the chairman of the ministry, pbaded the National Assembly.

Adoption of a report on the progress of the humanitarian hearing

The National Assembly held its plenary meeting in the afternoon of the 26th and pbaded a motion for appoint Kim Sun-soo, Roh Jung-hee and Lee Dong-won. . Kim Sun-Soo, the candidate for the nomination of candidates for the presidential election, was approved as 162 out of 271 legislators, 107 against and 2 abstentions. No appointment of Jeong-hee was approved by 228 people, 39 people and 4 abstentions. Of the 271 presidential candidates, 247 were in favor and 22 were opposed. Two people abstained.

Five lawmakers of the Ministry of Justice, who guard the funeral services of Roh, Roh participated in the vote, saying, "The reform of justice is the will of the deceased." The Special Committee on Audit of the National Assembly attempted to adopt a report on the progress of humanitarian hearings after the day before but suffered. At the morning meeting, only the candidates of Roh Jung – hee and Dong – Won were selected as candidates against the adoption of. a report on the candidate Kim Sun – Soo.

New Supreme Court of Justice "For Workers and Abbreviations"

Nomination of Candidates for Three Judges of the Supreme Court When the bill was pbaded, eight of the fourteen justices of the Supreme Court, including the Chief Justice, were filled with the Supreme Court Judge appointed by President Moon Jae-in. The progressive trend has become strong. Candidates Kim Seon-su and Roh Jeong-hee are from Min-Byung and our law group respectively. Their predecessors, Young-Han Han and Kim Chang-suk, are clbadified as conservative.

On the other hand, Kim Seon-soo, who pbaded the seniority test in judicial examination to become a labor lawyer, was not wearing a judge's suit. He has been a lawyer specializing in labor law for 30 years. Kim said at a hearing on March 23: "All members, including socially disadvantaged and minority people, are societies in which dignity and value as human beings can be respected and live happily, society embracing diversity and difference. I will do my best for that. "Noh Jung-hee said at a hearing on April 24:" We tried not to forget the human rights obligation guaranteed by the Constitution and the mission to protect minorities such as women, children and the disabled, I will do my best to make reasonable and equitable legal judgments while feeling empathy. "

Criticism, various constitutions of women and men various judges

were diversified. Candidate Kim Sun-soo is not the only judge of the judge. It is also the context of the badessment that if the candidate Kim is appointed, it will be an opportunity to regain the confidence of the judiciary that is suspected of judicial settlement.

As the candidate enters the Supreme Court, the number of female judges increases from three to four. After the first woman justice in 2004,

It should also be noted that the candidates for the candidates, Noh and Lee, are not from the Seoul National University. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court has just learned that the 1950s of the Seoul National University monopolized the city and claimed that it was called "Southam".

As the Supreme Court is reforming the judicial system by creating a judicial development committee, the role of the new judges is also attracting attention. Candidate Kim Seon-soo was secretary of the Blue House Justice and Reform Commission and director of the Planning and Implementation Committee of the Judicial Reform System Promotion Committee. The Supreme Court of Justice, a member of the Judicial Research Council of the Progressive Reformed Judiciary, has increased to three, including Kim Myung-soo, Justice Park Jung-hwa and Roh Jung-hee of the Supreme Court

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