PS VR developer hired to build a new console for Google


▲ Richard Marks, known as the VR VR developer, joins Google (Photo source:)

The Know-How & # 39; PS VR & # 39; can be added to the new Google console. The 30, executive vice president of Google and Google's vice president of high tech project Google, Phil Harrison, said on Twitter that Richard Marks was the team leader of the PS VR. Richard Marks has been with Sony Technology Labs since 1999 and has worked as the Managing Director of PlayStation Magic Lab, which studies advanced PlayStation technologies.

  Google's vice president, Phil Harrison, said:
Google's vice president Phil Harrison on Twitter to sign Richard Marks (Photo by Phil Harrison on Twitter)

In addition to joining Richard Marks, his position or mission is unknown. One of the things that Richard is supposed to do now is Google's new game console project, Yeti. The Google "Yeti" console project, which was unveiled in February, is a streaming service that allows users to enjoy a variety of games with low-end hardware through the cloud server from Google.

By the way, there has been news recently that the project "Yeti" suffers from hardware latency issues. If you play a game, you have to press several buttons at the same time and react immediately without delay, but existing hardware alone can not solve the problem.

It is not yet officially known what role Richard will play in the production of Google's console. However, he is vice president of Phil Harrison, who has led the activities of the Sony and MS consoles, so it seems obvious that he will work for the console industry.

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