publishes a compatibility issue between Windows 10 RS5 and iCloud 7.8.1


A new update of iCloud for Windows, which posed a problem with Windows 10 RS5 (1809) updates, has been released.

Users of iCloud version since the Windows 10 RS5 update were unable to sync their shared albums. Microsoft has therefore stopped upgrading to WinDouy 10 RS5 for systems with iCloud version

After Apple released its version of iCloud 7.8.1 on November 27, it is not clear whether the compatibility issue has been formally resolved by the formal technical support system. Apple (update Windows 10 1803 (RS4)), but the Microsoft compatibility problem. The checklist confirms that the problem has been resolved.

Meanwhile, the first releases released in early October had detected a deadly bug that was deleting files stored in the system's default document folder during the upgrade process. Deployment was interrupted for about a month to resolve the problem.

Windows 10 RS5 has been redistributed, but incompatibility issues with some Intel OEM drivers, including iCloud compatibility issues, bug reports indicating that the Windows Media Player navigation menu is missing, etc., have been reported. It continues.

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