"Putting on" "Taking" … North and South Korean table tennis players are now & # 39;


  South and North Korean athletes are ahead of the Korea Open Table Tennis Tournament at Hanbat Gymnasium, Daejeon, 16. Daejeon = Freelancer Kim Sung-tae

South and North Korean athletes breathe in front of the Korea Open Table Tennis Tournament at the Hanbat Gymnasium in Daejeon on the 16th. Daejeon = Kim Sungtae Freelancer

Receiving, stabbing, selling.

These terms, written in pure Korean, are used in North Korean table tennis. In South Korea, which uses mainly English words, these terms are called receiving, serving and racketing. South Koreans and North Koreans competing at the Korea Table Tennis Tournament at Hanbat Gymnasium and Chungmu Gymnasium from October 17-22 are trying to get acquainted with unification. heterogeneous languages.

 On the afternoon of June 16, 2018, the KOREA OPEN table tennis tournament is held at Taejon Chungmu, where team training takes place between North Korea and South Korea. [연합뉴스]

On the afternoon of June 16, 2018, the Korea Open Ping-Pong Tournament is held at the Taejon Chungmu Gymnasium where the team's training is taking place. [연합뉴스]

A total of five teams from South Korea and North Korea will compete in this Korea Open. Lee Sang-soo, who is the highest rated North Korean player in the world with the highest ranking in the world (ranked No. 115) and the male suit group, seems to be adapting more and more as he uses the same language, "But we do not understand North Korean players unlike us, who speak terminology by writing in English, so it was hard to say how to speak."

Lee Sang Soo said, "Usually, our players call Pahueng, backhand, and North Korean players are on the right and left, we have talked with North Korean players in the Chinese league, He said that he would write the words "sign" on the north side.

 South Korean and North Korean female athletes participating in the Korea Open Table Tennis Tournament 2018 take a commemorative photo after being trained together at the Daejeon Chungmu Gymnasium in the afternoon of the 16th. [연합뉴스]

South Korean and North Korean female athletes participating in the Open Table Tennis Tournament of Korea 2018 take a commemorative photo after completing the common training at the Daejeon Chungmu Gymnasium in the afternoon of 16. [연합뉴스]

Ace Seo Hyo-won (13th place South Korea) who had experienced a team in South Korea and North Korea during May team championships in Halmstad, Sweden, is familiar with the terms of table tennis in North Korea. Seo Hyo – won, who plays a female athlete in the North Korean women's table tennis ace Kim Song-yi at this tournament, said, "It is good to hear that the term is purely Korean." Seo Hyo-won said at the time of the world championship, "We do not look forward" to "calm down"

 On the 16th at Hanbat Gymnasium in Daejeon , Kim Sun-yi (left) and South Korea (South Korea) will play in front of the Korea Open Table Tennis Tournament, (19659008) [연합뉴스]

In the first round of the Korea Open Table Tennis Tournament in Daejeon Hanbat Gymnasium on 16, North Korea Kim Song-yi (left) and Seo Hyo "I will win the first game first," said Lee.If you win the first match, the following opponents are mainly the players that I have lived. "I will do well my first game." Seo Hyo-won also expressed confidence that "Both (Kwai and I) are well defended with good defense and a powerful attack."

Daejeon = Kim Ji Han reporter kim.jihan @ (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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