& quot; 4 hours & 45 minutes bloody extended & # 39; NC-Samsung 4-to-4 draw – Chosun.com


Entry 2018.07.31 23:15

Photo courtesy of Samsung Lions

C & # 39; was a big blood to which 12 people were put.

NC and Samsung finished the match 4-4 after a 12-game extension at Samsung Lions Park in Daegu on August 31.

The selection of two teams was a great success. Adelman, a starter in the first run, scored seven points and nine strikeouts and withdrew nine points in the first run. Kim Kun-tae, from NC, also had six innings, six hits and three strikeouts and two strikeouts.

Park Hae-min and Gu-Jaek moved in a series of walks and Lee Won-seok hit the spot. Darin Rough then went out with a third base kicker, but Park fought back in the second and third innings of the first run.

The 7th Samsung fled from home: it was the third time that the first hitter, Seungbum, was hitting the ball with a left shot, and was heading to the third base with a burglar and receiver error. Kim Sang-soo, the batter who hit the right-field hitter, went to second base when Park Hae-min's sacrifice fell.

NC, however, scored three points in the eighth inning to make a tie. NC, who recovered from a solo shot of Roh Jin-hyuk, walked with Lee Won-jae, and Na Seung-beom and Scruggs hit a forehand to gain another point. Park Sukmin and Kwon Hee-dong retired with a fly and strikeouts in the first and third rounds.

The teams of the ninth round did not add the points and extended the game, but this time,

Daegu = Ko Jae-wan's reporter [email protected]

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