& quot; Separation left & quot; Chung Hye Young, met Chishira "Last request" [종합]


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[OSEN=유지혜 기자] Chishira and Chung Hye-young from "Separation Left" met for the sake of the relationship.

Seo Young Hee (Chishira), who arranges the relationship in the MBC weekend drama & # 39;

On this day, Seo Young-hee was in the rendezvous with Han Sang-jin, Divorce Resolution Seo Younghee revealed that she had changed her mind and said that she was willing to accept Jeong Hyo as her daughter, saying, "I saw that Jeonghyo was not the money, but the name of the mother." Seon Young-hee said, "I can not divorce because I was fired from my company because I was fired from the company." Although Jung-hyo is hard to send, Jung -hyo asked Seo Young-hee to confess Jung-hyo's addiction.

Han Min-soo is opposed to the birth of Jung-hyo, but changed with Jung-cheol. Han Min-soo said, "I'm afraid I do not want you to return your heart, but the more I face my father, the harder it is to erase it, so I want to go to the army earlier. "

Jung-hyo said," I will go to the army soon, "Han Min-soo m asked me to wait until my calling was born. "I think it's hard for them to wait," said Jung-hyo, "it's harder to wait. Han Min-soo confessed to Jung-hyo: "I can not believe that my mother is so beautiful, I think men are baby moms when I'm carrying my baby." They decided to endure everything together. Han Min-soo went to school to take a leave with Jung-hyo, and for students who nodded, saying, "Why are we responsible for this, it's not the life that you can kill and save with your mouth? .

Han Sangjin has also changed. Han Sangjin tried to refuse to divorce. But Han Minsoo told his father, "I did not raise my voice once when my father and mother were in such a situation, I just accepted the situation and I had so scared that I had to accept a life I did not want, I do not want to flee, but I will be responsible for it, "he said.

Han Sang-jin's decision was pbaded on to Kim's daughter, Kim Yang-jae (Yang Hee-kyung) .I picked up Kim Se – young and went to Kim's house, and because of my dad's gambling debt, I I sold Kim's child, who became a concubine.

Kim Sae-young, a young woman who lives with her family since she's a young woman, said: " I did not live with her husband, It was not enough to cut her, she and Han Young-jin's brother, Han Hee-jin (Hashimun), and he was against the airline trying to cut Han Sang-jin and his subordinate Mong-jong Won (Kim San-ho) He has ally solved his relationship with Seo Young Hee and decided to fix everything. He decided to expose everything about the airline. First, I went to see the captain who ordered me to cut Han Sang – jin. I knew that the captain who was the favorite of the employees knew that I loved Seo Young-hee and that I was in tune with Han Sang-jin.

Kim Se-young visited the captain and said, "I know you loved her, and she was asking you for badl ejaculation, and what did you feel in this situation? I wondered if she had the illusion that she would open her heart. She warned me that she knew everything and said, "I will clean and treat properly.

Seo Young-hee advised Jung-hyo and frequent customers, and led the increase in sales and received a call from the headquarters of the food company. Seo Young-hee was worried about his career, but he helped with his support. Kim Seeyoung said, "I beg you to say that you are wrong, I will accept all your anger," I decided to meet Seo Young-hee.

Families have changed little by little. Seo Younghee decided to interview the food company. JungHyo's father, JungHyul, chose to meet JungHyo's mother, who had made her so mean in the past, to ask for forgiveness. But he was surprised to see his mother, who shouted, "Do not approach me with a knife" as a trauma. I also forgave my mother Seo Young-hee, who hated Han Min-soo. Kim met Seo Young-hee and said, "If you like, ask me for a favor, finally, please, give me one more. / [email protected]

[사진] "The farewell has left & # 39; broadcast capture.

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