"Real Mania 300", Kang Ji-hwan, "escaped" after training 34m down the cliff | dispatch


The actor Kang Ji-hwan was afraid of falling into the cliff.

Afternoon afternoons, entertainment program 'Real Mana 300 & # 39; From the MBC, Kang Ji-hwan had to be trained to descend entirely from the 34 m cliff as a student of the 3rd Army.

Before the training, Kang Ji-hwan interviewed the production team and said, "Seriously, I'm afraid of heights."

He said, "I do not live in a house." If you look at it from top to bottom, you will not go to the scary place in yourself. "" I was scared because fear. I wanted to run away. "

On that day, Oh Yoon-ae also expressed concern about the whole fall. He also said: "I have never seen such a cliff".

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(Seoul = News 1) reporter Lee Ji-hyun

[ⓒ 뉴스1코리아(news1.kr), 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지]

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