Reduce the duration of "R & D Get-Away" and increase professionalism


  The preliminary feasibility of the national R & D project was modified
<국가연구개발사업 예비타당성 달라진 점>

The period of preliminary feasibility study for the national R & D project was considerably shortened. Support for stimulating research has increased as economic weights have been reduced and the weight of science and technology has increased.

Ministry of Science and Technology Ministry of Information and Communication announced that the Ministry of Strategy and Finance on April 17 this year, the National R &

Whereas 39; an average of 12 projects were completed in the last 6 years from 2012 to 2017, the survey period has been significantly shortened.

Yuta is a procedure for financial authorities to verify and evaluate the feasibility of project implementation before establishing budgeting and fund management plans.

The Ministry of Information and Communication (MIC) finalized the investigation without changing the business plan after ordering preliminary work. It has also opened the possibility of relaunching projects that have been approved to be canceled. The project, which was first requested by the Ministry of Information and Communication, was selected as an investigation target immediately after the technical evaluation.

In the third quarter of this year, when the reception activity will be approved, the budget for the budget next year will be 2020

The Ministry of Information and Communication extended the weighting of "scientific and technological expertise" in the selection process. The six projects that have been in place since the commissioning have a greater weighting in the scientific and technological feasibility elements among the R & D projects. The weight of the weight of science and technology has increased from 44% in average over the last two years to 48% after commissioning, while economic weights decreased from 32% to 23% on average

<img src = " /1807/1087061_20180702130950_554_0002.jpg "alt =" From the second half of the year, we will expand the pool of experts participating in the advisory committee for each project.

Experts on Advisory Committees provide for the prohibition of mutual contact between ministries and project advisors A list of advisory committee members will be available at the time of publication of the final report.

We have also started building a flat online platform and consulting services for pre-consultation. Meanwhile, according to the point that the progress of the game is dark, we confirmed the "R & We will open the system in the second half of this year. Provide a checklist of important items to check before application.

"Preliminary Support Plan for Consultants for National R & D Projects" was also prepared.

During the second half of the year, four projects will be implemented in the second half and four projects will be implemented during the next quarter and 16 projects will be implemented next year. .

Lee Tae Hee The Ministry of Information and Communication said: "I have led research and development projects focused on professionalism and speed, given the purpose of putting in service. "" We will use the system transparently and quickly to increase the predictability of the project. ] Choi Ho-ho reporter from the Department of Industrial Policy [email protected]

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