Reduction of zero energy construction company expenses … Announcement of the winner of the national competition of ideas


The idea of ​​three people (Kyunghee University) and Shin Yoo-jin (Kyunghee University) who proposed the use of private capital by issuing special bonds as part of the "Zero Energy Building Business Idea" contest Competition "was chosen as the grand prize.

The Ministry of Lands and Transport announced on November 9 that it had won the contest "Ideas for the Zero Energy Architecture Business Model" which has aroused the public interest for the zero energy construction and the idea of ​​the private market driven business model. It was held from January 22nd to April 30th.

The five ideas retained as winners will be discussed in the future by experts in the future.

In the Grand Prix, three ideas (Kyung Hee University) were selected, including Shin Ji-jin and others (Kyunghee University) who proposed the use of private capital by issuing special bonds for zero energy construction. According to the ideas of Kim Yoon and two others (Ewha Womans University) who proposed to use the subscription fund and the product of the electricity market as funds for the construction of the zero energy house, the 39 public investment (crowdfunding) and loan regulation (Cell Esfuel), which proposed differentiated benefits such as easing and mitigation.

The incentive prize includes zero energy The idea of ​​Park Joo-young (Konkuk University), which proposed to use the money generated by the sale of the subscription proceeds as a project Zero Energy Building Support, and Lee Yeong-young (Korea Appraisal Trustee)

An official from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation said, "Even though this is a difficult topic, we have received 89 cases and we were able to confirm the public interest and efforts to participate in zero energy construction. I will try not to miss the brilliant idea of ​​all the content and lead to the activation of the zero energy architecture. "

Detailed information about the competition can be found in the contest ( The award ceremony will take place on October 18th at Green Building Han Darda

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