Refugee boxer Gil Taesan comes to Korea super middleweight champion


Gil Tae-san of Cameroon, Gil Taesan (31 years old, Yeonmyeong-eup, T & # 39; bil) became the Korean champion

Gil Taeseong was super middleweight organized by Boxing Management Korea at the Grand Hilton Hotel Seoul Grand Ballroom

Gil Taesan became a new Korean champion by continuing 3 KO marathon in 5 stages on the Korean stage.

Gil Taeseong is from Cameroon

The two men, who were unable to pay their salaries and were treated harshly, participated in the World Championships in Soldier Athletics held in Mungyeong in October 2015.

After a long and long time, Jilin was granted refugee status in November last year.

Although Gil Taishan was better known to the public than Mount Hwang, he was ranked among the boxing experts, much higher than Mount Hwang.

In the third round, Lee Jun-yong fought back with an uppercut, but Gil Taeseong was the first player to win the first round of the game for the Korean title. In the first round, Lee Jun-yong attacked with a heavy whistle.

In the sixth round after the 4th and 5th rounds, Gil Taesan pushed Lee Jun-yong into the corner and knocked in the corner, the referee stopped the game and lifted Gil Taeseong's hand.

Joe Yong-yong of the National Heavyweight Division is a middleweight champion (72.57 kg), but for the title match with Gil Tae-san,

Lee Jun-yong made a comeback with Gil Taeseong in the early stages of the game, but he did not retaliate at all.

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