"Religious Mockery" Woarmard until the exhaustion of the Koran on the obscene act of Jesus


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There is a series of mockery of religion, such as the church fire in the online community "War Dom", an allegedly obscene online era, and the l & # 39; 39; erroneous act of Jesus or the burning of the Koran of the Islamic Scriptures.

On the 12th, there are a number of messages about worms, such as the fact that they were buried in the Eucharist or that they used the price Jesus to bad.

In the last 10 days, a member of Uhmadh has had a controversy by publishing a graffiti scandal and a photo burned on the Eucharist that he received from the church in the title of "Jesus burned Jesus XXX".

On the 11th day, "The Catholic Church declared war on the whole world" and the statement "I will burn a cathedral every Sunday until it is legalized to abort" has appeared and the police opened an investigation.

On top of that, there was a message that the act of humiliation was done that day. The post was accompanied by a photo that seems to insert a tool that looks like a statue of Jesus in one part of the body.

Muslims have become targets. With a photograph of the engraving of Islamic Scripture, the Koran, members of the War Dom have been described as "Islamic badroaches".

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[사진 워마드 캡처]

Some members of the War Dom also posted a message saying, "Let's the festival at Itaewon temple ". Muslims do not eat pork for religious reasons.

It is emphasized that such online online games are a reaction to the debate on gender equality that should be done soundly, without any speech and hate behavior.

Professor of Sociology at the Seoul National University, Professor Jang Duk-jin said, "There are many people in Warmad Nabe who are inflamed, but there is no end to expressions of aversion expressed therein. " He said.

However, when women focus on the aftershock, the essential story disappears and hates growing, emphasizing, "We should address the issue of equal rights for all, not gender or gender. specific clbades. .

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