Reorganization of the Second Presidential Office … Independent Work, Public Relations in Public Affairs, Establishment of Speech Planning Secretaries –


Entry 2018.07.26 15:39
| Revision 2018.07.26 16:32

Secretary of Education and Separate Culture as Secretary of Education – Secretary of Culture
Secretary of Decentralization of Self-Government – Secretary of Balanced Development, Secretary of 39 Self-Government Consolidated
Cybersecurity – Secretary of Convergence of Information

The second generation of Moon Jae In grew up at the Blue House. Cheong Wa Dae announced on the 26th that he will reorganize the presidential staff organization as 3 current leaders, 12 senior secretaries 48, 3 chiefs, 12 superiors and 49 secretaries.

In the Blue House all secretaries of the netizen. There are more than 10 changes affiliated with the secretariat such as the merger or the new separation. Public relations and messaging functions have expanded, such as the creation of a secretariat for public affairs public affairs and a secretary for planning public speeches, the secretariat of the secretariat has been established under the secretary's supervision and a financial planner. The control of economic ministries of "economic chiefs" has been strengthened. Although the apparent scale change is not so great, it is also true that the functional improvement work has been accomplished.

It is expected that the central government administration of Cheong Wa Dae, which has no clear legal basis for authority and responsibility, be further strengthened. As the role of the Cabinet becomes more unfavorable, criticism of the "Blue House Government" will gain more power.

A spokesman for Cheong Wa Dae said: "The presidential secretariat has conducted a diagnostic of the organization to facilitate the task of national affairs, and as a result," he said.

A spokeswoman for Kim said, "We will create a secretary for the self-employed (under the direction of the business leader) who was mentioned at the meeting of advisors advised by President Moon on March 23. He said.

There are three secretarial positions that are newly formed by separation duties.

First, the duties of the secretary of education and culture of the office of protection are divided into a new secretary of education and a new secretary of culture.

The duties of the secretary of public relations planning under the former National Secretary of Communication are divided by the Secretary of Public Relations Planning and the New Secretary of Public Affairs Secretary of Public Relations A spokeswoman for Kim said, "The main task of the secre Public relations planning is about planning public relations all over the country, and it will focus on media policy. "The secretary of state is primarily responsible for promoting policy. "We will strengthen coordination between public relations officials."

The secretary of the presidential secretary and the new secretary of the secretary for planning share the role of the presidential secretary in charge of the presidential secretariat.

There is also an order from the secretary to badign similar functions and to disappear.

The former Secretary of State for Planning and Administration of the Ministry of Political Affairs, He pbades the function to the political secretary and disappears.

The former secretary of the decree on self-government and the development secretary were integrated into the new general secretary, who has just been created at the main office of the Department of Political Affairs, and the spokeswoman Kim explained: Aboli Kim said: "The secretaries of decentralization focus on autonomy, while the decentralization of the province is the most important task, while the secretary of the decentralization development works as a supplier to finance the central government budget in the form of donations. "We integrate both functions in a sense of integration and organic reinforcement."

The Cybersecurity Secretary and Information Convergence Secretary of the Office of National Security were all removed and added to the "Cybercrime Information Secretariat". Remis. Kim said, "The current cybersecurity secretary focuses primarily on cybercrime and hacking, and the information merge is a function of badyzing information and information about acquisitions outside." line.

There is also a secretariat whose name is changed while retaining the existing functions.

The Chief of General Affairs of the Department of State is renamed Chief of State Planning and Planning. Kim said, "By the second step, we will strengthen the medium- and long-term planning function rather than react to what is happening that day and that day."

The New Media Office Changes of sign.

The secretary of civil society, the secretary for social innovation and the secretary for the improvement of the civil society secretariat system change their clothes respectively to secretaries of social participation, secretaries of the the social adjustment and secretaries of the system reform. "The Secretariat of the Social Participation Secretariat means to gather the wills of the citizens and the opinions of the civil society which are revealed in the candles more actively and to take part in the national affairs The Secretariat of Social Coordination has the function of coordinating and solving many conflicts in our society. "The secretary of the system reform is not to improve, but at the level of reform.

The Secretary of the Policy Planning Department, under the direction of the policies, will also be renamed Secretary of Policy Coordination. Kim said, "In the last year, when the government started, there was a lot of planning.

The Secretary of the Small Business Administration of the Office's Economic Chief changed his name to Small and Medium Venture Secretary, focusing on the culture of venture capital firms, and changed his affiliation to a chief of employment.

Although it is not a clbad, a foreign affairs official in charge of Korean foreign policy is appointed by the Secretary of Foreign Policy, said Kim's spokesman: "Protecting the 7 million scattered Koreans in the country.

The financial planner reports to the chief of the policy department reporting to the secretary general, and the general secretary is the director of policy, a spokesman for Kim said, "Since the financial planner is very concerned about budget and politics, the secretary should normally work with other secretaries in order to increase social relations with other secretaries. "

Kim spoke about the project to announce changes in staff In response to the change in order, "a secretary has been appointed and is in charge of the verification and recruitment process." There are people, some looking for still people. "

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