Representative of the director of replacement investments before the introduction of the national pension and code


[아시아경제 문채석 기자] On July 30, the National Pensions Service plans to introduce the code of stewardship (Institutional Investor Voting Guidelines) before the "Sixth Fund Management Committee in 2018", and Kim Jae-beom, Expressed

In the event that 5 of the 8 important posts of the fund management committee have been released, the National Pension must express a clear position on "the exercise of the rights of shareholders in the management ', key element of the introduction of the code

According to the financial investment industry, on July 27, Kim, the director of investment replacement, expressed gratitude to the Caisse national pension on the basis of the accident.

The Board of Directors of the Fund Management Division has four members, including Lee Seo-chul, IOC Director General, and Kim Jong-hee, Head of the Risk Management Center.

The CIO position is vacant for the first year after the resignation of former general manager Kang, The chief of overseas securities in Korea has been serving for two weeks.

Although the national pension plan has been in place since February, the IOC competition has resumed in the Cheong Wa Dae test.

According to the National Pension Scheme, it is difficult to find a candidate for CIO before September, at the earliest.

Moon Chae Seok reporter [email protected]

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