Ronaldo "I'm always the best … Juventus gets ready for the trophies"


Cristiano Ronaldo held a press conference to join the Italian Serie A Juventus on the 17th. Ronaldo takes a pointing gesture of his position with his finger, saying "I came here" in the video of the official home page. Cristiano Ronaldo (33), a member of the Serie A stadium of Juventus in Turin, Italy, visited the Allianz stadium, where hundreds of Juventus fans gathered to pbad the necessary medical exams. Fans with Ronaldo uniforms and big banners with Ronaldo faces "Ronaldo!"

Ronaldo, who chose a new challenge at the age of 33, expressed his regret.

"When I reached my age, my career was practically over "

Ronaldo, who completed the medical test, held a press conference with Juventus on the 17th. Ronaldo won the UEFA Champions League at four times in 2009 while he played at Real Madrid (Real), the Spanish Primera División.He won five of the most prestigious football competitions, Vallondor, and he moved to Juventus after his homeland, Portugal, was eliminated in the quarter-finals of the 2018 World Cup in Russia Ronaldo said: "I am pleased that many players join such a large club in the era of China and Qatar ", according to the Associated Press.

Recently, European footballers In the thirties, there are fewer people than in Europe, but more and more people are turning to clubs in China and the Middle East that offer high salaries and transfer fees. According to the Spanish press, there was a Chinese club that offered Ronaldo a transfer fee of 200 million euros (about 263.8 billion won). However, Ronaldo decided to pursue his career in Europe to reach his new goals. "I have not come to enjoy a holiday at Juventus, I will fight to win all the trophies, including the UEFA Champions League and Serie A." Juventus is the best player in the Italian league, but the win in the UEFA Champions League is the final in 1996.

Ronaldo maintains his skills through rigorous physical management. Measuring his body age at age 23, he has consistently maintained his bodybuilding program for agility, endurance, speed, etc., for three or four hours a day, at least five times a week, in addition to team training for more than 10 years. Ronaldo said, "I am a difficult person. I will not rest in the glory of the past. And moving the team will always prove that I am the best in the world. "

Ronaldo's decision should lead to a series of strikers." Ronaldo, who left the club for the first time in his career, is targeting a £ 2 million contract, Azar, which has an excellent ability to dribble, scored three goals and two badists in the World Cup. "I had a good time at Chelsea in the English Premier League (EPL)," said Azar.

When Azar will be transferred to Real, Chelsea should present Gonzalo Higuain (31) to Juventus: "I think it's time to change," he said.Hogaine is in a narrowed position because of the confluence of Ronaldo. world, Haganein played as the vanguard of Argentina.It has scored 55 goals in 105 games in the last two seasons of Juventus. "The Chelsea are preparing to send their former Alvaro striker Morata and Olivier Jiru in another team to earn the money needed to hire a gigaine. "[19659006] Ronaldo "I'm always the best …" Juventus, preparing trophy shelves " Best Picks

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