Ronaldo is a fan of "Flying Sticks" when he arrived in Korea 11 years ago … This time?


Photo = Ronaldo's visit on July 18, 2007 / Dong-A Ilbo DB

It has been announced that Cristiano Ronaldo (33 years old, Real Madrid) has visited.

Cristiano Ronaldo, who is part of Manchester United's "Asia Tour" on July 18, 2007, owned by the England Football Club Manchester United, I first came to Korea through the airport . In addition to Ronaldo, Sir Alex Ferguson, Wayne Rooney, Ryan Giggs and Rio Ferdinand were among the players who led the Premier League in 2006-2007.

UEFA's competitors have had a variety of events, including an official press conference, a football publication commemorating the Manchester United opus, a football course and so on. 19659003] Cristiano Ronaldo scored 1 goal and 2 badists in friendly with Seoul FC at the Seoul World Cup stage in Seongsan-dong, Mapo-gu. Ronaldo helped United to win 4-0

Ronaldo is badured not only goals but also fan service. Cristiano Ronaldo, who missed on the left side of the first half,

Ronaldo was in a press interview shortly after the match, saying: "I was able to enjoy it in a good mood. in Korea next year, "he said," the opponents were as good as their colleague Park Ji-sung.

On the other hand, on the 10th, the sports trend on the 10th quoted the head of the Japanese manufacturer of health and beauty equipment on 10,

Ronaldo fans who remember the hottest fan service on their first visit were excited by what they might do with their performance this time

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Ronaldo 11 years ago when I went for the first time to fan service 'hot air … Best Recommendation [19659009] Copyright by All Rights Reserved

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