"Samsung 20th anniversary" remarks … Anti-corporate sentiments are three lies of Hong Young-pyo


The controversial remark Hong Young-pyo …

"Hong said," Samsung achieved a net profit of 60 trillion won last year, and if we save 20 trillion of wons here, we can donate more than 10 million won to 2 million. "This is raising." Samsung has become the first company in the world because it has ousted suppliers first and third ranks, "he said at the Korea Women's Economic Forum, and in political circles and business circles there is concern that the ruling party's seat has expressed its perception of anti-market and semi-economic performance.

  Hong Young-pyo, a Democratic leader, gives a lecture at the 17th Korea Women's Economic Forum which was held at the Westin Chosun Hotel in Jung -gu, Seoul on the 13th. On the day of the meeting, President Hong gave a lecture on "Building a women's economic ecosystem for sustainable growth ". [뉴스1]

Hong Young-pyo, a Democratic leader, gives a lecture at the 17th Korea Women's Economic Forum that was held at the Westin Chosun Hotel in Jung-gu, Seoul, on the 13th. On the day of the meeting, President Hong gave a lecture on "Building a Women's Economic Ecosystem for Sustainable Growth". [뉴스1]

Only businesses were rich …?

Above all, the remarks made by the president of Hong Kong are irrelevant. "Household income dropped by 8.7 percent from 20 years ago, and business income grew by 8.4 percent," he said. However, according to a report from the National Assembly Budget Office on "Causes and Consequences of Unequal Growth Between Household and Corporate Income," Korea's Gross National Income (GNI) grew by 6.6% in annual average from 1995 to 2017 respectively The rapid increase in corporate income is a worldwide phenomenon. The report cites the slowdown in household income due to the slowdown in self-employment, declining net interest income, weak domestic demand and the slowdown in the services sector. It's hard to say that a company simply has private household income.

Samsung Electronics, urging partners …? Average margin 8.5% Double the industry

His remarks that "Samsung Electronics has ousted the first and third tier suppliers" The average operating profit margin of the 149 companies members of the group of Samsung Electronics' partnership last year was 8.5%, double the average. Last year, sales increased 22.5% year-on-year, outpacing Samsung Electronics' sales growth (18.8%) over the same period. Professor Sung Tae Yoon, professor of economics at Yonsei University, said: "Business profits are the result of efforts to improve quality through research and development (R & D) and innovation. 39, investment and compete with international companies. But it's not fair to judge the profit of the company as the profit of the company. "

Is the tax burden on corporations low?

His statement that" the tax burden of Korean corporations is lower than that of their households "is Also misleading According to a survey conducted by the Korea Institute of Public Finance in 2015, the proportion of corporate tax in Korea is 12.8%, which is higher than the average for the company. OECD (9%) On the other hand, the share of income tax in total tax revenue is 17.7%, which is below the average of the total tax revenue. OECD (26%) The Ministry of Strategy and Finance predicted that the proportion of corporate tax would be 23.5%, the highest in history,

It is pointed out that his remarks show that he made a "stumbling block" with the government, which adjusts the direction towards the "growth of innovation" in increase the level of care with the companies. He said on Monday that the supreme committee of the National Assembly said: "I can not accept that the employment shock caused by income-driven growth has never occurred" . Kim Tae-gi, professor of economics at Dankook University, said: "Cheong Wa Dae and the government are already agreeing on the need to accelerate the economic policies of the country. current government. I can make a hard speech. "

Samsung said," I have nothing to say specific about Hong's remarks. "However, Samsung Electronics said in a press release," We plan to pay 20 billion won " 39 Incentives to productivity and security incentives to 130 partner companies during the month.Samsung Electronics has been providing performance incentives to partner companies since 2010. A manager of a financial organization who demanded Anonymity said: "Uncertainty about the direction of politics has become more uncertain because of Hong's remarks."

On the other hand, as the controversy grows, the Hong 's president has evolved through his Facebook He said: "This is not a concrete proposal to share money, but a lot of money to enjoy it", has it? he says. "This is not a pretense to dismantle the hen, let alone to dismantle Samsung. "He added:" I would like to reconsider it's wrong to say that the capital trapped in some conglomerates should be done to get into the household and the virtuous circle of the national economy. "

Sejong = Sonhae reporter Yongjae [email protected]

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