Samsung, 5th place … The first three consecutive Kia games of 1553 days (Doosan, LG, Nexen, Samjin, SK, wins)


L Lotte four consecutive wins … Doosan Lindblum 13th

Lee Lee, Cheon-woong finals & # 39;

Series of earnings' Seok-hoon final homerun & # 39; NC, SK

(Seoul-Yonhap News) Shin Chang-Yong reporter Bae Jin-nam = The Samsung Lions won the Kia Tigers third round in 1,553 days, eventually finishing in fifth place.
On September 29th, Daehan Samsung Lions Park, Daehan Samsung Lions Park, Maehara KBO, Darren Ruffe of Shinhan Bank in 2019 scored 15 hits, including five home runs, including three home runs, and launched KIA 13-1. .

Rough started four times in the last solo event, scoring an 8th (1), 9 (2) and 4 RBI in four sets.

This is the first time Samsung has won 3 consecutive wins with KIA and is making 2,500 wins for the first time in the KBO league.

Samsung wins 3rd place with KIA during its visit to Gwangju on May 16 ~ After that, it's only 1,353 days old.

In addition, Nexen Heroes, who finished fifth in the race without a horse, climbed to fifth place in the Lotte Giants.

It's only been 775 days since June 14, 2016 that Samsung took fifth place in 10 games during the season.

Samsung has won five straight wins over KIA and has won seven and four losses in the season.

Samsung starting pitcher Yang Chang-seop, who has finished high school, has dropped five marches, but he has 5 wins (2 wins) in the season with 3 hits and 5 hits.

Yang Chang-sup wins three of five victories, including his KIA debut.

Lotte defeated Nexen 4-1 in a 4-1 victory.

Lotte defeated Jake Brigham in the first inning of the first run, scoring a three-run series in the ninth inning of the first run.

Pitcher Lotte Dewbront scored six points in the sixth inning with six hits, seven hits, three hits and five strikeouts.

Nexen dropped to sixth place in the last four lost in a row. Brigham, who had a home run, scored three points in six innings, but lost the game with a 5-0 record.

Doosan Bears led the Hanwha Eagles with a 3-1 win over Josh Lindblum in the Jamsil home race.

Lindblum narrowed the gap with teammate Seth Furankov (15-2) in the first round of the season, scoring 13 wins (2 losses) in the eighth inning with eight innings.

Instead of David Hale, who had a high fever, Hanwha had left the starting mound for Kim Bumsoo, a southpaw who only appeared in the middle of the season.

Kim Bum-soo, who started the 358th day after the KIA Tigers on August 5th, made her first high-quality start with three hits in six innings, but did not get any support and was became a defensive pitcher.

The LG Twins beat defeat by winning 7-4 on the last day of the third visit to Suwon with kt wiz.

LG replaced Hoon Chan, who missed his first team match due to a pain in the hips, in the first place in 1338 days.

After the fourth round, Kim Hyun-soo gave a good start to K-star star Dustin Nipert to launch a counter-attack.

LG scored a solo bow against Hong Sung Yong in the eighth when Shin Hyun-soo scored again in the eighth minute, and brought the league back to 4-3, so that kt went back to the top. team with a left-handed Mel Jr.

However, Lee Chun-wo scored the decisive goal with a left foot shot in the second second and Adonis Garcia blew a top ball into the net.

kt Gangbangho was the second player in the third inning with a double-hitter, making his sixth debut with a 100 hitter for the first time in his career.

NC Dynos finished with a 2-1 record with a 4-2 victory over the SK Wyverns thanks to Ji Seok-hoon's final round.

Lee Jae-hak, starting pitcher But he managed to climb to the top of the table with a 3-1 lead.

He then dropped two hits with three hits, including two runs scored in the fifth, and was relegated to 3-3 in the match, but in the seventh inning, Ji Seok-hun scored the second launcher, Chae Sung-yong,.

Ji Seok-hoon's first home race this season.

Kang Yoon-ku scored 6 wins (1 loss) in the NC mound after scoring a lead of one and a half after two runs over three hits.

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