Samsung Biotech will file an administrative decision and a stay of decision


    In the afternoon of the announcement of the results of the deliberations of the Korea Stock Exchange Futures Commission on the suspicion of misappropriation of Samsung Bio Logics, the red light is on in front of the traffic light in front of Samsung Bio Logics, in the city of Incheon.
A red light comes on in front of Samsung Bio Logics, in Incheon, in the afternoon of the announcement of the results of the deliberation of the Korea Stock Exchange Futures Commission on suspicion hijacking of Samsung Biologics by the Financial Services Commission.
News Yonhap News

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SEOUL, South Korea (Reuters) – Samsung Bio Logics filed a lawsuit in response to a ruling by the Korea Securities and Futures Commission

Samsung Bio Logics announced on August 28 that it initiated an administrative justice action against the dismissal by the Supreme Court and the Financial Services Commission as well as an application for suspension of the suspension with the Seoul Administrative Court.

As a result, Samsung Bio Co., a subsidiary of Samsung Biotech Co., Ltd., has decided to transfer its subsidiary, Samsung Bio, to a subsidiary. At that time, the witness stated that the size of the food was about 4,500 billion won. As a result, the Company has requested to revise the financial statements, to appoint the auditor for a period of three years, to recommend the resignation of the CEO and the executive officer and to impose a fine of 8 billion won.

Samsung Biologics has filed a lawsuit seeking the cancellation of all these badignments and a suspension of execution in order to suspend the badignment until the end of the cancellation proceedings. .

If a request for suspension is accepted, Samsung Bio will not be required to implement corrective measures such as rewriting the financial statements until the court decision.

Samsung Biotech said its goal was to minimize confusion between investors and customers regarding the suspension application and prevent damage that may arise during a dispute.

However, the subject of the administrative dispute and the suspension being limited to the administrative provisions, the charges of accusation, the deliberation deliberation of the stock exchanges and the suspension of the negotiations were excluded from the prosecution. Samsung Biotech explained that the prosecution, the abolition of the delisting of stock exchanges and the suspension of the negotiations are not the subject of administrative litigation.

Samsung Biotech said: "We will prove the fairness of accounting through administrative litigation.We will not only be loyal to the procedures to be filed, we will also be more involved in business activities to meet the expectations of the investors and customers. "

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