Samsung Securities employees receive ghosts … I am in the meeting room and I sell up to 14 times.


The prosecution charges eight out of 21 people
April 6 at 9:30 am The meeting room of the Samsung Securities headquarters in Seocho-gu, Seoul. One team leader (44) and four members of the meeting staff were ringing at the same time. Employees who saw the smartphone doubted their eyes. The 5 million shares of Samsung Securities have been badigned to four stock accounts. On that day, the dividends will be deposited with the Samsung Securities Shareholders' Association. As expected, 2018 members should be paid 1,000 won a week. Incidentally, one employee was wrongly given 1,000 actions a week.

One team leader and others also could not have guessed that the stock had been badly affected. But the greed that was hiding crushed his head. Manager B (37) sold 14/3 of the 4.67 million shares that were allotted to him. A team leader also put 565,000 shares on the market eight times. In the morning, 4 people sold 2.33 million shares, worth more than 80 billion won.

It was not just greed. They gathered in the meeting room and continued to sell the market. The Korea Stock Exchange's volatility easing (VI), which limits trading when stock prices fall sharply, was triggered seven times in 30 minutes. As a result, the Samsung Securities stock price fell 12% from the previous day's closing price. The company suffered losses of 9.2 billion won due to the compensation for the stock buyer that the employees paid.

Most employees stated that they were "instantly greedy". However, some of them are aware of the mistake and have sold it by saying, "If you can sell the stock and profit from it, you can stop the company. The editorial magazine of securities (Chirashi) also fueled their desire. Immediately after the incident, "If you sold the company before the announcement, you can return 20% of the amount of money" is distributed.

Employees, however, were the subject of an investigation for prosecution purposes without holding any shares in their hands. The criminal justice team of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Department (Attorney General Moon Sung-In) has indicted 8 of the 21 employees of Samsung Securities for fraudulent transactions, fraudulent use of computers, 13 people were returned from the fire.

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