Samsung Tech has not fled in TopTek "


Toptech, accused of leaking industrial technology on behalf of Samsung Display, said in a statement on the results of the prosecution investigation: "There was no leakage of technology We officially explained that the truth would be revealed during the trial. "

Toptec posted its position on the company's homepage on the afternoon of the 29th.

"In March, Samsung Techwin exported surface damping machines after exporting to its Chinese customers." During this process, Samsung Techwin's industrial technology and trade secrets were exported to China. I did not provide it to the company. "

(Photo = toptec)

(Photo = toptec)

Since the beginning of the investigation by prosecutors in September, Toptek has actively cooperated with the investigation on the presence of employees and submitted various data to discover the truth. "Even during the investigation of the prosecution, we maintain cooperative relationships by continuing our consulting, production and delivery activities.

"We will continue to cooperate with the Samsung Display in the future, and we will cooperate with the trial process to uncover the truth at the next trial." We encourage shareholders to trust the company and continue to support them. "He added.

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