PO Jerry Sands, 4th of the 4th round. [연합뉴스]
2 wins and 2 losses. The Korean entry team is determined in the last five games. NEXEN wins in the fourth playoff game with Private Jerry Sands (31, USA).
Nexen won 4-2 in Game 4 of the playoffs (PO · 5 in total) at Goguryeo SKYDOM on the 31st. NEXEN, who lost two consecutive games to Incheon in the second and third games, was outweighed by two home wins . The 5th round of the OP will be held at Incheon Munhak Stadium at 18:30 on the 2nd.
In PO 4, the two teams were not able to recover a definitive starting card. However, Nexen Lee Seung-ho and SK Moon Seung-won had more than expected, and the initial flow was unexpected. Lee Seung-ho, who started early in the first round and faltered at the same time, continued to block the center line of the SK. After a steady hit of 4 innings and a goal on 5, he was able to block the ball.
Nexen Im Byeong-wook is in the middle of a compression crisis and a third-base runner digs into the groove. [연합뉴스]
Moon Seung-won's throw was also good. In the second inning, he allowed only four hits in the fourth inning and four hits in the fourth inning. Jerry Sands hit a pitcher in the second inning with a 2-2 win over the Cardinals.
Nexen had extra points in the sixth. Sagan Chang came out of the aisles and Sands hit a powerful batter to rank first and third. The next batter, Lim Byung-wook's squeeze bunt, hit the third baseman in front of Na-Ju-Hwan, and the third baseman was exhausted. However, when Na Ji-hwan fell, his throw slipped and he touched the house. Nexen ran 4-0 with Kim Hyeong-seong's tee shot. SK continued after a tornado in the 9th inning, but failed to reverse it. Sands, who scored four hits, two run points and two points, was named MVP of the MVP's fourth round (one million won).
Nexen Anzin has become the best Bullpen pitcher this fall. [연합뉴스]
The thrower of right-wing player Ahn-jin (19), who emerged in the center of the Nexen core in the playoffs, was also brilliant. Anhjin blocked the SK road at a maximum speed of 153 km per hour. Ahn Jin-jin, who started the first run in the fifth inning, finished Kim Kang-min and Kim Sung-Hyun behind. Choi gave him a walk, but hit Jerry Lautak again.
It was a monotonous combination of fastball-slider, but SK hitters took to the air. Anjine scored a point in the eighth inning with one batter in four innings. He scratched four and scratched two. Hanwha and Joon-jeo, who became the winners of the 2nd and 4th PO Games, finished the third win of the season.
Kim Hyo Kyung reporter [email protected]
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