Saul Fang wakes up and releases "Lost Honor" in the new cutscene


On the opening scene of & # 39; BlizzCon 2018 & # 39; in Anaheim, California <월드오브워크래프트>(Wow) new cinematics have been released. This cinematic tells the story of the expansion "Aggro's Azeroth", where the confrontation between the Horde and the Alliance resumed, centered around Anduin and Saul Fang. Let's check the picture first.

The new cutscenes begin with the appearance of Alliance soldiers wounded in the war. Andouin, who observed the bodies of wounded soldiers and soldiers at Stormwind, was bitterly surprised by the following saying: "I thought I was fighting for peace when the war broke out."

Anduin then goes to Stormwind Prison, where Saul is trapped. The dialogue that began with the question of Anduin, why he did not kill Roderon reached its climax with the indignation of Saul Fang. Saul Fang sighs that Sovanas brings down the Horde who dedicates all his budget to him and that he wants to "regain my horde".

Anduin asks why he has not killed yet. Saul Fang said, "I wanted you to stop the Great Patriarch (Sylvanas)." Andouin leaves Saul Fang behind the prison and says, "It's impossible by myself." The video is finished by continuing to look behind the Andouin while Saul Spin is moving away. It is a scene that suggests that the Horde and the Allies can unite to prevent Sylvanas.

<월드오브워크래프트>"The new war between the Horde and the Alliance begins in waves of revenge," said John Hight, a new producer in charge of the film. Multiple waves are the first major update of the Fierce Azeroth Expansion Pack, released in August, which contains new raids and battlegrounds.

As well,<와우> Clbadic & # 39; can play formally next summer <와우>The user can play at all.

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