Sejong, basic idea of ​​the smart city of Busan is out – electronic diary


Sejong Smart City is built as a green city that enjoys a safe and convenient life by freely using cars and shared health services.

The 4th Committee of the Industrial Revolution, under the presidency of the presidential office, will hold the high-tech industrial center of the demonstration city of Sangam DMC on the 16th,

The National Demonstration CITY is positioned as a basis for the growth of innovation, which freely demonstrates the new technology of the 4th industrial revolution and implements the new economic model and improves the quality of life of residents. ” style=”cursor:pointer;” itemprop=”image”/>

<세종시 스마트시티 개념도>

The Sejong 5-1 Life Zone presented the vision as "a city as a sustainable platform that increases civic happiness and provides opportunities for creation."

Sejong City is a city of mobility , health, education,

Applying the concept of "shared car city", private cars are stationed at the entrance, In the living area, autonomous vehicles and shared cars are used.

In the field of health, different models of innovation are applied from regulatory sandbox

In the health sector, different models of innovation are applied from regulatory sandbox. Big Data A personalized medical service, a nursing robot and a portable device are introduced, and the emergency structure is combined with drone and IoT technology.

  Concept Map of Busan Smart City
<부산스마트시티 개념도>

Busan Eco Delta City is a global innovation center that brings together "Nature 〃 People" technology and accelerates the future of life in the future .

The city of Busan will build three fields of innovation such as Smart City Tech Sandbox technology, without regulation, aimed at creating an innovative industrial city for the ecosystem. .

Construction of an "environmentally-friendly water-specific city" that uses water and waterfront taking into account the characteristics of the region rich in water water.

In addition, we are actively promoting technologies such as virtualization (VR / AR) and 3D maps, as well as environmentally friendly landscaping using the waterfront of the head water, as well as smart water systems.

The government introduced a "regulated sandbox" to delay the implementation of new industry regulations in the national pilot city,

In District 5-1 of Sejong, LH was chosen as the operator for the development of a total of 2.74 million ㎡ of land, and the city of Busan

Attract private investment through an empirical model by supporting the l & # 39; government-level innovation industry, and promote the export of smart city model abroad.

Eco-delta city 219,000 ㎡ was chosen as K-WATER [19659002] Chang Byeong-gyu, chairman of the 4th Committee of the Industrial Revolution, said: "Smart City will become a new growth engine for our economy as that platform to capture various fourth generation industrial revolution technologies. "I will focus my policy capabilities so that they can be implemented successfully."

Journalist Park Ji-sung [email protected]

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