Seoul "Pool prohibited to men"


  The Seoul Metropolitan Government has published explanatory data on the operation of a pool reserved for women. [연합뉴스]

The Seoul Metropolitan Government provided clarification on the operation of a women's pool. [연합뉴스]

On September 6, the city of Seoul plans to make available to men and women the pools of 14 municipal youth training centers, regardless of the men's access ban pool.

The city issued a press release Tuesday, explaining the operation of the exclusive use of the pool by women in the pool of the municipal youth training center. The city plans to launch a program that will allow indiscriminate swimming between men and women starting in October or January of next year after securing additional locker rooms and showers in all pools.

According to the city, 13 of these 14 pools were followed by inconvenience for users who had run out of locker rooms and showers since it opened. Women users continually asked for the opening of showers and locker rooms at times that men do not use. As a result, the city had few requests for men on weekdays and operated as a women-only program, such as swimming at home in the morning (9 am to 12 pm) during which women are often crowded. Men are allowed to use at dawn (6h to 8h50) and in the afternoon (afternoon).

On the 5th, however, the Dong-A Ilbo said: "The center of the Youth Youth Youth Center Seoul has restrictions on men's positions from 9:00 to 11:50, We have a pool, and all follow the same rules "In addition, it was pointed out that the operation of a specific time zone for women is discriminatory towards men and that it propagates distorted gender stereotypes according to which" women are free in the morning.

reporter [email protected]

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