Seoul Semiconductor provides "Sun-like" LEDs to 3 lighting companies


Seoul Semiconductor announced on the 20th that its "Sun-like" LED will be applied to PureEdge, RedLabrands and Elite Lighting products in the United States.

Sunlight LED is a light source.

PureEdge applied sunlight to suspended lamps, Seoul Semiconductor explained. "By reducing the dispersion of light, it is useful to see the natural color even under the light.It will be used as lighting for museums and galleries.The RedLabrands and Elite Lighting are equipped with LEDs similar to those of the sun for downlights and projectors

A Seoul Semiconductor official said, "We are also interested in Sun-light technology in the US media."

The company chose Sunlight LEDs to highlight the color and natural texture,

  Seoul Semiconductor LED Red-Brands Lighting with LED (Offered by Seoul Semiconductor)
<서울반도체 LED가 탑재된 레드라브랜즈의 조명(제공: 서울반도체).>

Yoon, Gun-it, a reporter specialized in electronics / spare parts benyun @

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