Seven-Eleven proclaims "Green Seven" as an ecological convenience store


Seven-Eleven celebrates its 30th anniversary on July 11th.

Seven-Eleven will hold a ceremony at Cheonggye Plaza in Seoul on July 11th to celebrate Seven-Eleven,

Green Seven is the representative slogan for all environmental protection activities of Seven-Eleven.La Green Seven campaign will be held in the ecological convenience store. During this event, we will announce the various ecological activities of Seven-Eleven and show our willingness to act, while informing citizens of the importance of the environment and encouraging voluntary participation. .

Green Eco Convenience Store

Fundraising activities consist of the voluntary participation of pure citizens. Seven-Eleven distributes a donation of 200 functional plants that have been recycled into disposable disposable cups, regardless of the donation amount.

Seven Eleven Granting Grant was added to the fund to increase citizen participation, and through the Foundation for the Environment, Children's Environmental Education, Urban Forests

Meanwhile, Seven-Eleven, for the first time in the distribution industry, turns disposable ice cream cups into a completely transparent solid form that can be recycled. The brand logo and barcode that were displayed on the surface of the existing ice mug are boldly removed. We are testing 10 retail stores in Seoul starting May 5th and plan to expand to the entire country in August as soon as possible.

In addition, we changed the lid of our own brand (PB)

CEO Seung-in Seven-Eleven said: "The environment is the key to creating a healthy future society. (19689010)! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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