Sixteen gold medals, six consecutive second place complete


  National archery players Ji Tae-mi and Kang Chae-young (left) train at Jincheon Village in Chungbuk Province on October 10, 2018 in Jakarta and at the Games Asians from Palembang. [우상조 기자]

National archery players Ji Tae-mi and Kang Chae-young (left) participate in the Asian Games in Jakarta, Palembang in 2018 and train in Jincheon Village in the province of Chungbuk on October 10th. [우상조 기자]

The 2018 Asian Games in Jakarta and Palembang will be held in Jakarta, Indonesia, from September 18th to September 2nd. At the Asian Games Media Day in Jincheon Village, Chungbuk Province on Oct. 10, "Korea seems to be winning many medals," said Kim Sung-Joo, President of the Asian Games in Jakarta, Palembang, Korea. "We are waiting for a very complete second place competition."

Korea is looking for second place in the Asian Games for the sixth time in a row since the 1998 tournament in Bangkok. But Japan's challenge is stronger than ever. Indeed, we are investing heavily in improving competitiveness ahead of the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo.

In fact, Japan has a lot of power, such as archery, fencing and table tennis, as well as strong objects like judo and wrestling. Jang Hye-jin (31, LH) of the Rio Olympic Archery 2016 said: "I recently won the Japanese Archery Olympic Shooting Games in mixed archery. There is a burden in the mixed race because a man and an ace come out. "Cha Cha Hae-won (57), a women's volleyball team, beat Japan in the League of Nations volleyball that took place in Thailand last month." It was a loss unexpected. The players were also sad and disappointed.

The goal of the Asian Games in Jakarta · Palembang in South Korea is 65 gold medals, second place in the overall standings.There are 14 fewer than 79 gold medals at the Games Incheon's Asian 2014. We are nonetheless ready to achieve our goals. "Kumho's director, Yoo In-kyu, said:" It is Yanggang District in Korea and Japan. I will live to die, "he said. Kim Taek-soo, coach of the gold medal at the Bangkok Asian Games in 1998, said, "I really do not want to go to Japan. Lee Sang-young (23 years old, Ulsan Metropolitan City), fencing coach of the fencing team who trained at the gold medal of the year. sword at Liu's Olympics, drew the attention of a loud voice: "This Asian game, everyone can do it."

Lim Young-hee (38, Woori Bank), captain of a women's basketball team who decided to form a single team for the South and North, said: "Communication with the North Korean athletes is important. " He said, "I have a term that I can not understand each other. Basketball is important for communication between players, and I think we need to spend a lot of time on preparation communication. "

Lee Ki-heung, president of the Korea Athletic Association, said:" The North Korean athletes of the dragon boat race who decided to take a single team have come south this weekend. I asked the other players to get off as quickly as possible. "

Jincheon = Kim Ji-han and Kim Won [email protected]

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