SK Hynix launches the internal company program "Higeraeji"


SK Hynix announced that it will invite its members to participate in the "HiGarage" business promotion program.

Hi-Gearji is part of a group of people It is a program that gives the company a chance to start a business with great ideas. It was named after a global computer company founded in a garage, named Higera. There are no limits in the field of recruitment such as semiconductors and ICT.

Hi-Geraeji recruited volunteers between the month of August and the beginning of September, and after examining experts from inside and outside the country until the end of September. in October, they started their activities in November. . Selected members prepare for a business venture in a separate space. The maximum amount of 200 million won is borne.

A venture capital firm promoted through the Higher Gear program can ultimately be selected as a start-up or commercialization of SK Hynix internally.

When the company is closed within a certain time after the start of the business, it is guaranteed to reinstate the company so that it can be challenged without fear of "failure". failure. If we choose to market our internal businesses, we will reflect the ideas of our employees in the SK Hynix business and contribute to improving the value of the business.

Kim Dae-young, general manager of SK Hynix Education, said, "With the activation of the Hi-Gareji program, we are discovering new business models and creating two social values. I'm waiting to be able to catch the rabbit. "

Han Joo-yeop, a semiconductor journalist [email protected]

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